Why wasn't there a quest for him? Just a simple question, seeing as he's been around for around 200 years since Oblivion.
Why wasn't there a quest for him? Just a simple question, seeing as he's been around for around 200 years since Oblivion.
Why would he be? He was a nice enemy in SI but i don't think he would have any need to be in Skyrim.
Isnt he just the polar opposite of Shergogath
I think the main reason is that he is the prince of order therefore he doesnt really enjoy meddling with mortals since they represent chaos pretty much.
I got the impression that Jyggalag had no interest in the affairs of the mortal realm and therefore did not interact with them, focusing more on the realms of Oblivion. So when he returned at the end of Shivering Isles, he went off to do his own thing.
no, you can't "wipe out" a Daedric prince, all you can do is cast them back to their realm.
All we did in Shivering Isles was release him from his curse. by us becoming Sheogorath, it broke the curse as he could not transform back since someone else sat upon the throne of madness.
Jyggalag clearly stated at the end of the Shivering Isles that you broke his curse, and that he shall now return to the waters of oblivion and rebuild.
Daedra are ageless.. what may seem like an eternity to us, can be but a blink of the eye to them
After reading a bit about Peryite I have the impression that the pestilence part is the dominant one and there isnt much about order in his actions but Jyggalag is all about order as seen in Shivering Isles. Transforming the land and people into a something orderly. Besides most people dont even know that Jyggalag even exists so you could argue that people think that Peryite represents order even though is he isnt the "true" one.
Well he is completey alone and every other Daedric Prince is his enemy so he probably has it not that easy to return to power.
You know what, this is the first time that I'd heard of Jyggalag. I'm now glad that he wasn't in Skyrim, because after a few readings on uesp and eswikia, I'd be pretty much his B**** to order around. He is the baddest most awesomestest Daedric Lord I have ever seen and would not even think twice about becoming his champion, and would even think of murdering every other possible champion in Tamriel just so he'd pick me.
On another note, why did dwemer equipment look so much like Jyggalag?
I wish. haha.
Probably rebuilding his Great Library with Dyus. Recording everything that ever happened, happen, and will happen takes a while.
I'm drawing a blank. Why is 11-11-11 relevant to Jyg?