This is common then handling dangerous convicts.
I guess they used the simple binding to make animations simpler.
This is common then handling dangerous convicts.
I guess they used the simple binding to make animations simpler.
I don't mind who is High King. I'm with the Stormcloaks because I believe the Empire is a corrupt parasitic leech.
On top of that, a public exectution is designed to set an example: certain behaviour / actions will be be punished in such a humiliating way.
I also believe that exectuting Ulfric last is not a way to further punish him, but a way of showing him that he is responsible for the deaths of those that follow him.
Publicly executing Ulfric after executing a group of his follows is the best strategy. Doing it any other way would not have had the desired/required impact on the people of Skyrim.
A bandit?
You want your Dragonborn to look like that? Good for you. That does not make it him the canon. But nothings stopping you from RP'ing that he's your guy!
as for the title...because the devs did not want him to doe there?
Pretty much this. You never kill the leader of a band of "criminals" first. You make them watch as their organization dies around them. Death is quite a punishment, realization of death is even more so, and instilling the notion that everything around you has failed and you will be the end of it when you're executed is among the worst.
So you can take pleasure in killing him yourself later?!
they wanted him to see his sons of skyrim die first and then him in the last! i think it makes sense!
Prisoners are bound in the front.
ulfric can not shout presumably because he can not form the words accurately..
prisoner dives and gets ulfrics rag out his mouth..
ulfric sends everyone flying..
the truescenario
the what if... hmmm... mmm h?
you choose to join ulfric or legion where you decide to run...
earn your spot visa versa..
The discuss...
How does dragon play in...
The Then what ...
of helgen???
to original poster clearly our name not being on the list just messed up everyone.. governed by the peace treaty that they are now..
In real life, yes. In the game of Skyrim it is not that hard to take out five opponents at once, especially if half of them are grunts.
This, plus the Imperials had no idea a dragon was coming to mess up their party. It is pretty easy to Monday morning quarterback this and say they should have just killed Ulfric first, but no one anticipated Alduin showing up to rescue Ulfric in the nick of time, and if they had tried to kill Ulfric first, Alduin would have just arrived a little earlier to preserve the plot.
If it wasnt said, the thalmor left..
so tulius could have just been like
"kill ulfric first.. make him my priority"
"and if i dont... what would someone have stolen their sweetroll... would they have to stop ruling because they took an arrow to the knee...
The Thalmor were there to stop Ulfric from being executed (Thalmor Dossier: Ulfric Stormcloak.) The arrival of a certain chili-breathed flying gecko was a happy convenience. They probably advised Tullius (and/or the captain) to demoralise Ulfric by taking the Stormcloak soldiers' heads first. Ulfric would be last... but then Elenwen would strike, wiping out the Legion forces and Helgen's citizens alike, and saving Ulfric so that the Civil War would continue.
It seems that, more or less, the ideals of the Stormcloak army are tied to Ulfric himself.