Why weapons in OWB arnt that good.

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:31 pm

When it comes to the usefulness of the weapons added in OWB, I think they were great, only downside to them was trying to use them against enemies in the Big Empty. I even took a pulse gun with me to help starting out since I knew there would be robots....suffice it to say....it svcked, even though in the Mojave no robot I faced stood much chance against it, I guess the robots of the Big Empty are that amazing.

I'm going to check this in the GECK later, but based on observation of firing various weapons at a Mk4b Roboscorp it appears that the mechanical critters in OWB have rather large HP pools. This was seemingly confirmed after I found Elijah's Jury-Rigged Tesla Cannon, loaded it with MC ECPs, and plugged away at yet another such scorp, as it took 4 shots to kill it. Note that my EW skill on this character is only about 70, so the cannon was not doing as much damage as it's actually capable of; it would probably have taken 3 shots otherwise. Still, that's a 300ish-point HP pool to chew through, DT notwithstanding.

Them being HP sinks would explain why, even with the 'Gabe's Bark' tone installed, the sonic Emitter took several shots to down one scorp, given that I know from trying that the Pulse Gun will almost one-shot a normal Sentry Bot and that the Emitter is essentially a variant thereof. For what it's worth, with the Roboscorp tone installed it was taking 3-4 shots depending on model.

Just to cover all the bases: the character in question went in at L29, so it's possible he was facing the top-end variants off the leveled lists. I have not (obviously) yet tested to see if a lower-level character has an easier time under the same circumstances, although it wouldn't surprise me if that were the case.
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:28 am

At high levels in OWB you need to use your to end weapons, if you play around with the mid range stuff they can really take beating. I found that the Protonic inversal axe could quickly rip even roboscorpions to shreds. (but then I had both Better Criticals and Elijahs ramblings so my crtical dmg was +200%)

I do have Living Anatomy and can confirm the robots at high levels have 300hp or more and 18 to 20DT. A few locations also have unique variants that are even more durable.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:49 am

I'm going to check this in the GECK later, but based on observation of firing various weapons at a Mk4b Roboscorp it appears that the mechanical critters in OWB have rather large HP pools. This was seemingly confirmed after I found Elijah's Jury-Rigged Tesla Cannon, loaded it with MC ECPs, and plugged away at yet another such scorp, as it took 4 shots to kill it. Note that my EW skill on this character is only about 70, so the cannon was not doing as much damage as it's actually capable of; it would probably have taken 3 shots otherwise. Still, that's a 300ish-point HP pool to chew through, DT notwithstanding.

Them being HP sinks would explain why, even with the 'Gabe's Bark' tone installed, the sonic Emitter took several shots to down one scorp, given that I know from trying that the Pulse Gun will almost one-shot a normal Sentry Bot and that the Emitter is essentially a variant thereof. For what it's worth, with the Roboscorp tone installed it was taking 3-4 shots depending on model.

Just to cover all the bases: the character in question went in at L29, so it's possible he was facing the top-end variants off the leveled lists. I have not (obviously) yet tested to see if a lower-level character has an easier time under the same circumstances, although it wouldn't surprise me if that were the case.

I have Living Anatomy and I was at Level 40 when I started OWB and Level 45 before I finished it. Those Robo-Scorpions tended to have 400 - 700 HP each. The Securitrons varied with about 300 - 500 HP each. Lobotomites had 200 - 400 HP (approx). Mister Gutsys, Protectrons and Sentry Bots (all Mk3 or Mk5 just like the Securitrons) had 300 - 500 HP each. The Y-17 Trauma Suits had 300 - 500 HP each but with notable DTs of 15 - 20. I could list them all, but I'm not going to.

Big exceptions are the Legendary Bloatfly with 2000 HP and 20 DT, and the X43 Giant Robo-Scorpion with 3000 HP and 20 DT. And yes, I killed both of them. :gun:
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:05 pm

The LAER shoots way faster and has more ammo per clip. I'd say their pretty even there bud. And the OP's argument was that OWB weapons were weak, I provided an example of a weapon that was strong. I don't see where a comparison to another DLC weapon was necessary?
LAER is actually slower - 32 AP/shot, when Holorifle have 30/shot.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:32 am

I just didn't like the L.A.E.R's HP, and the fact I felt like there aren't that many weapons. Other the current ones are good.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:49 am

Saturnite super heated fist: Ballistic fist, end of story

Maybe you should read the story before you decide its the end.
1: The fist has a faster attack speed which without other benefiting perks puts them at a comparble DPS.
2: Because it attacks faster you'd benefit more from perks like super slam
3: I just tested and its effected by the pyromaniac perk
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:55 am

I entered the new DLC with That Gun only, ammo and meds. No armour or any other weapon, thought there should be plenty of good looking and nice items. Now I regret my decision.
I really, really don't like the new weapons, especially their looks. Good I found a hunting rifle, hunting shotgun and the brush gun.
The only new weapon I find good by stats and looks is the Proton Axe, shame my char is no melee fighter.

Now I am too deep in the DLC so I can't start it again without getting bored with first quests too fast. I miss so much, every freaking weapon from the main game and the last DLCs.

They should have made the Christinas rifle a unique hunting rifle, we already have unique sniper.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:02 am

I actually prefer Elijah's Advanced LAER over the Holorifle... expecially fully modded, as for the Saturnite Fist Superheated.... I love it's ASPD.

love Elijahs advanced LAER fully modded........i have no problem killing ...EVERYTHING...hahahaha
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:16 pm

K9000: The minigun is way better than it, the ammo is cheaper and easier to come buy and the gun its self is just better with an over Quadrouple the amount of rounds K9000 has and less damage but a heck of a lot faster fire rate. All in all the minigun is way better.

Saturnite super heated fist: Ballistic fist, end of story

Antenna thing: Super sledge beats it in by far damage but not attack speed, still the super sledge is better. Well Id rather have a super sledge than some weak antenna

Proton throwing axe: Yes its better than any other thrown weapon in new vegas

Elijah's Tesla cannon: Easily beaten by the Tesla beaton prototype only thing Elijah has on beaton is the 1 less EC pack per shot

All in all the weapons weren't to great, but the DLC was amazing.

Why are you so negative?:/
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:17 am

Saturnite super heated fist: Ballistic fist, end of story

I found this and the LAER to be the only good weapons. Sure the ballistic fist is amazing, but the super heated saturnite fist is incredibly fast, and it can catch people on fire :flamethrower: Anyways the fist only require 55 unarmed and 5 str, much easier to accomplish than the 100 unarmed and 9 str for the ballistic fist. And the saturnite fist can thrwo two punches as the ballistic fist is just starting its second.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:11 am

The k9000 is alot better than you think it has a decent damage per shot low spread and a scope. Fido with 44swc is a beast the only drawback is the str requirement. Just remember that the monsters in owb absorb brushgun fire.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:25 am

. Most likely they start out seemingly weak to give those of us who went in with nothing a challenge. For those who want to run through the DLC they can take any weapon they want from the outside and have an advantage at the beginning. For me they've been pretty useful and seem pretty darn powerful. It's just the enemies are pretty darn powerful themselves.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:26 pm

I have to agree with what some people have noticed so far. The weapons in OWB aren't bad or underpowered, it's the enemies in OWB are alot tougher overall than what you find anywhere else. The AMR doesn't one shot kill everything like I'm used to. The riot shotgun, (with both shotgun perks), doesn't cut enemies in half like it used to. (really, 5-6 .12 ga slugs to drop one nightstaker !!!!). And forget about using the .45 automatic. I pumped 7-8 rounds into a lobotomite and it shruged it off like it was nothing. One nice thing though, the enemies don't feel like bullet spounges so much as they just feel tougher.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:08 am

Yea, the enemies are really good bullet sponges, especially that bloatfly, who took like 30 of my alien blaster ammo, So i just loaded a save before I killed him not to waste any ammo, but whats better the
Sonic emmiter pistol: Pew Pew beats it in every way imaginable
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:13 am

I don't think the weapons are bad, just the LAER and it's 75hp!
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:37 pm

I've been using a fully modded laser rifle most of my time in OWB, just as well I packed plenty of MF Cells.
Never really use the sonic emitter pistol unless I stumble across a force field, seems kind of underpowered and short ranged for me.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:33 pm

The Proton Axe is excellent. I had Melee 50 (and STR 6) and in VATS I was taking out scorpions with two strong hits. Lobotomites fell to a single blow, and it even helped me fend off Nightstalkers.

Too bad I had to die so much before I decided to try it out. Went in at level 20 and consistently got my butt kicked for two hours until I tried out the axe. Finished the DLC almost exclusively using that weapon.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:28 am

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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:55 am

Hey, the Devs can easily release a patch that can make the OWB weapons significantly stronger or a patch that makes the enemies somewhat weaker... Or not, apparently, since the devs apparently cannot patch DLC for reasons unknown to me
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:10 pm

K9000: The minigun is way better than it, the ammo is cheaper and easier to come buy and the gun its self is just better with an over Quadrouple the amount of rounds K9000 has and less damage but a heck of a lot faster fire rate. All in all the minigun is way better.


If you finished the DM DLC you can have access to a practically unlimited supply of .357 magnum ammo via the SM Vending machine, plus you can craft .357 Magnum JFP Hand Load ammo for x1.25 Damage, -3 Target Damage Threshold and x0.80 Spread.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:03 am

The COS sniper rifle is pretty good. It's got more damage and a better critical chance modifier than the other sniper rifles. It's not as good as the Gobi in VATS, but it's silenced so it has it's own advantages.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:46 am

If you finished the DM DLC you can have access to a practically unlimited supply of .357 magnum ammo via the SM Vending machine, plus you can craft .357 Magnum JFP Hand Load ammo for x1.25 Damage, -3 Target Damage Threshold and x0.80 Spread.

Maybe so, but I don't like reloading every 6 seconds.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:25 am

I have Living Anatomy and I was at Level 40 when I started OWB and Level 45 before I finished it. Those Robo-Scorpions tended to have 400 - 700 HP each. The Securitrons varied with about 300 - 500 HP each. Lobotomites had 200 - 400 HP (approx). Mister Gutsys, Protectrons and Sentry Bots (all Mk3 or Mk5 just like the Securitrons) had 300 - 500 HP each. The Y-17 Trauma Suits had 300 - 500 HP each but with notable DTs of 15 - 20. I could list them all, but I'm not going to.

Big exceptions are the Legendary Bloatfly with 2000 HP and 20 DT, and the X43 Giant Robo-Scorpion with 3000 HP and 20 DT. And yes, I killed both of them. :gun:

I suspected this was the case when the Tesla Cannon shots weren't cutting things in half, good to have confirmation.

While I normally loathe 'bullet sink' foes, these at least were mid-range types rather than Albino Radscorp types, so I wasn't too put off by having to burn a clip on some of them. They also don't have 'bonus' attacks, unlike Point Lookout Hillbillies and Tribals, so I wasn't getting cheap-shotted in the process. Definitely bringing heavier-DAM weapons next run, automatics just do not cut it unless I'm using either FIDO with SWCs or a Gatling Laser with MC ECPs.

Definitely not a Guns-friendly environment, either, unless you're using a .44-caliber weapon or a 12ga. shotgun. EW on the other hand, are swimming in ammo even after conversion to MC cells (not that it really matters for the Pulse Emitter), since you can get bulk lots of SECs and MFCs from Toaster. Weapon repair is a pain, though, as the new Energy weapons practically melt when using MC rounds.
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