Why were YOU crossing the border

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:43 pm

A young wandering Orc in search of honour and glory. Heard of the war in Skyrim and decided that i would go and join the Legion to gain such honour and glory. However, after nearly having my head chopped off i joined the Nords and now kill any Imperial soldier i come across.
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Curveballs On Phoenix
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:13 pm

After botching a jail breaking job, Tano Victus was caught for shanking a prisoner in his cell. Tano's short-term "sentence" was lengthened to life. Tano, being a dangerous prisoner was thrown into solitary. For 6 years he dug a tunnel with a spoon through a loose brick in the wall. Finally he broke through the thick Imperial Prison wall, and made his escape. He had thoughts of heading north to Skyrim, thinking the Imperial Legion would never find him there. Not knowing about the on going civil war. Once he reached the border he was nabbed by Imperial soldiers. Damn rebels had to screw everything up.

(yes, my characters back story is based off one of the thieves guild members.)
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:57 am

My character after saving Cyroodill was given one wish from the Nine Divines [yes i said Nine problem?] he choose eternal life. after the Great War. he saw what the Empire became. a washed up shadow of it's former self. [i'm an Argonian btw] he joined the Storm Cloaks. after many raids in the Imperial city. killing Thalmor and the guards and anyone that choose the side of the Empire that day. he Ulfric and the others we're on there way back to Skyrim. then they got shot with poison laced arrows that knocked them out. [the same kind of poison that was on that blade in that DB quest in OB] he woke up in a carriage on his way to his execution. he later comes to find out he is DragonBorn. and his power is awakening after all these years.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:01 pm

My guy was in the dungeons in Cyrodil when all the sudden, I kid you not Patrick Stewart walked like right into his cell... And then, all hell broke loose. :obliviongate: No no no, not like that, I mean literally, all hell broke loose: People asking for autographs, pressing their bodies against the cell doors, Guards couldn't control it all. Luckily when my guy was backing up away from the door (He wasn't a Star Trek fan), he tripped on his stool and hit his head against the wall. When he did, the wall swung open! So... he jogged right on out of there.


Okay actually, I usually play Bretons, so my guy was a victim of some inter-familial disputes in High Rock, in which his father was killed and his family fortune stripped from them. This is mostly due to his family's support of another group who were trying (And failed) To seize power in High Rock. His fortune gone, he wandered a while, eventually making his way north just to try and find himself a new life, and escape from the repercussions of his old life.
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:00 pm

Arkon Hammer-Forge, an Nord raised in an imperial (political, not race) family trained by his nord warrior father. Born in Skyrim but moved to Cyrodiil when only an infant. Raised in the imperial city by father and mother, no siblings. Frequented work with his military father as a boy and learned the ways of athletics and combat very young. Always fascinated with alchemy and the school of restoration as well due to his mother's history in medicine and nursing. Comes from a long line of great smiths , in fact, that is where his surname is derived from. He is not used to hearing people announce their distaste for the empire as he was raised in it's central hub. He finds the nords in Skyrim to be unappreciative of the empire and it irks him to hear people support stormcloaks. It especially irks him when fellow nords take on Ulfric's narrow minded views of a "pure Skyrim" . He loathes when other Nords try to pull patriotic heart strings. Arkon knows from his time as a youth that the empire, while not perfect, has the continents best interest in it's heart and actions. His father left Cyrodiil when Arkon was in his mid-20s and well on his own imperial military path. Arkon did not hear back from his father in the time frame he expected, nor did he hear anything from his fellow military cohorts. With his mother's grief and worry growing, Arkon decides to head to Skyrim, his fathers intended destination. He crosses the border at the exact time the Empire is cleaning up stormcloak rebels and is caught up in the midst of the turmoil. He is mistaken for a stormcloak spy and not given a chance to explain himself before being bound and sent to the gallows. He patiently waits to reach an Imperial garrison so he can cite his fathers credentials and get answers. Problem is, his fathers military involvement is the equivalent of a modern day special forces group. The average Imperial officer knows nothing of it's existence, and would consider those who speak of it to be misinformed. Arkon is undoubtedly pure in his heart possessing the view points and chivalry of the knights of old lore. He refrains from dark activity, despises thieves and murderers but does have a secret penchant for Daedric artifacts and lore. He is a face smashing tank in full heavy with a shield and war-axe when in combat.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:54 pm

My high-elf mage is a descendant of my Oblivion character (high-elf mage too of course) who in his later years went into refuge in Frostcrag Spire before mystersiously dissapearing. My character ventured into Frostcrag Spire to investigate his ancestors dissapearance and found a message (parchment or ghostly apparition or something else... havent decided) to further his studies at Winterhold. Why Winterhold? Up north in the cold? Colder than the Jerall Mountains where Frostcrag is located? Begrudginly he made the journey north, honour bound by his ancestors instruction and also to further his studies of course. Captured crossing the border.... and the rest... well thats me playing now! Went straight to Winterhold, slowly getting used to the cold harsh climate and starting to realise that there is a grand design in sending him to Winterhold where danger and adventure await him. (main quest and civil war taking a backseat till I'm ready)
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:45 am

An Orc has no boundaries... now im here in skyrim & supposed to be some dragon dude bwahahah

Also in the middle of a civil war and tbh i could care less. Im just here to clear caves and go berserko rage on cunce
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:11 am

The pay is better over here. Plus if I have kids here I can send them to school on others tax money and beat the system by still getting paid off the books.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:32 pm

After killing some Nord in Bruma for a mysterious khajiit to earn some money and stop being a beggar, my Dunmer warrior ran away from the guards with a stolen horse and ended up next to a Stormcloak convoy with Ulfric stormcloak. The imperials mistook him for one of them, and bashed his head in.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:09 am

A young Breton agent learning the arts of necromancy and conjuration as well as stealth and the dagger, Lilith le Mere of Wayrest was sent by the head of the Mere house, an up and coming banking and merchant house, to investigate the civil war in Skyrim. The head of the household, Charles, sees both the possibility for opportunity as well as disaster in these ever changing times, so he has sent his youngest daughter to investigate. While crossing the border, Lilith was set upon by wild beasts. Her majicka drained as she defended herself, Lilith was trapped with only a dagger between her and the snarling beasts. Then came a young Nord Stormcloak named Rolof who was in flight from an Imperial patrol. He could have left Lilith to her fate and made his way to safety, but instead, Rolof came to the rescue, putting his shield, war axe, and body between the Breton and the hungry wolves. The warrior defeated the wolves, but both he and Lilith had exhausted themselves in the struggle and so were in no condition to resist the Imperials. The rest, as they say, is history. Lilith is now facing a definite conflict of interest. Her first instincts are to do as the head of her house ordered and maintain neutrality, but she also feels she owes a debt to Rolof for saving her life as well as a debt to the Impies for arbitrarily ordering her execution.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:26 pm

Because I should have turned left at Albuquerque. :bunny:

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Kayla Bee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:06 pm

It was a contract gone wrong in Cyrodiil.

After a failed high profile assassination attempt, I was sold out by the party that hired me since they desperately needed someone to point the finger at. I barely managed to escape a few attempts to capture me, which ultimately led me to run north. Skyrim seemed like a good place to lay low for a while. I wasn't expecting the heightened state of security related with a civil war nor did I expect to cross paths with Ulfric himself.

The prequel of my character's story will be released in a DLC by Bethesda, I'm sure :rolleyes:
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:24 pm

I heard of a land of opertunity and left Morrowind.......wrong.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:33 am

She never was from this world. She just came here. First made planetfall on Vvardenfell, not knowing much about WTF was going on. But she learned, and she bested that island in the end. She went to Cyrodiil, where she lived for a few years, wondering why everyone around her got old and died. Sometimes she thought there was a glimpse of... another. A face that seemed to follow her through the decades, never aging, just like hers. Always... disappeared in the crowd when she approached. Then the Oblivion Crisis came. Forced her to become a hero once again at Kvatch. She didn't mind risking her life again and again since she had become weary of watching the world die around her. And by Akatosh, that Cyrodiilian loot didn't make for a real life wish either. Alas, she survived. Saved the world again, stole a broom, was cast out and shot at by ignorant guards. Found a gateway on a remote island in the Niben Bay. Went through, almost lost her mind. Dabbled in Madness for, oh, she can't remember. Finally got bored and returned just to find a world much changed. She didn't like the Thalmor, who seemed to have their arrogant feelers just about everywhere. Even though she had slewn gods before who had proven to be clearly less immortal than herself, she didn't believe. Went north, since the Nords always seemed more indifferent in such matters. When the distant rumblings grew louder, she knew she had to act again. Dumb, dumb guards caught her, almost cut her head off, when Evil came once again...
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:37 am

My awesomeness caused the time-space continuum to temporarily rip apart. On my 52nd time floating around earth the continuum was restored to correct settings, but then some angry people grabbed me inappropriately and shipped me over the borders.
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:02 am

To get to the otherside.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:49 am

My Nord Gormr never crossed the border, I ignore the entire part about Ralof and just pretend I was helping guard Ulfric, same way I pretend the whole quest leading to me joining the stormcloaks never happened. So basically whenever I'm not wearing stormcloak gear and fighting imperials I'm just on lunch break doing dragonborn stuff.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:00 am

My character crossed the border because the game told me he already did. I never gave it any thought whatsoever.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:25 am

I'm a female Nord named Xana. Xana lived in a far off village. One stormy night she got [censored] by her own father, she killed him and became a wanted fugitive. Later on, Xana got caught by Tommy Lee Jones.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:15 am

My dark elf used to be a member of the Morag Tong. After the eruption of Red Mountain she fled Morrowind and went to Cyrodill. There she made a living as a thief stealing high priced objects for wealthy clients as an independent contractor. She got into some trouble with the law, though and because she didn't have the thieves guild backing her, she had to flee Cyrodill and made her way to Skyrim where she had the unfortunate luck to be picked up by an imperial patrol.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:03 am

My Altmer Battlemage is an exile from the Dominion that was banished for speaking out against the atrocities carried out during the war. He has since travelled several parts of Tamriel and recently heard of the civil war brewing in Skyrim. Feeling responsible for the conflict that is taking place there, he attempted to cross the border to find out the source of the civil war.

On his way there he encountered a group of stormcloaks on the run.. the rest we know :)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:19 am

He took a wrong turn at some mountain
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:36 am

Mead was better up north.
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Rach B
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:13 am

my parents were part of the stormcloaks. after the imperials came for them in the night, their young son escaped into the hills of skyrim and crossed into the land of imperials. 2 years later ragnar the nord returned to join up with the stormcloaks and was caught trying to get to ulfric
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:22 am

Manius is an Imperial Battlemage. He grew up at the aftermath of the Great War and enrolled in a Thalmor school. He hated it there as he was regularly discriminated but still learned a hefty amount of magic with Thalmor books. After Manius learned both magic and swordsmanship, he tried to live life normally in the Imperial City before his family moved to Bruma to try and escape the Thalmor a bit better.

There, his family was incarcerated by the Thalmor for worshiping Talos in secret. Manius narrowly escaped and fled to the nearest province away from there, which was Skyrim. There, he was caught and then freed by the Dragon. Manius joined up with the Imperial Legion with hope that he can one day return to Cyrodiil and take back the Imperial City with him at the helm of the assault.

P.S: Manius found a new family in Skyrim. The Companions. He has hots for Aela :)
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