Always interesting to see other people's characters and role play

My first Skyrim char is my main from Oblivion, Ekal a wood elf (female). Loving the world of Nirn so much, she accepts the Dragonborn's fate and is reincarnated to save the day once again. She crosses the border because she is after the Thalmor in Skyrim, but ends up by mistake on the wrong side of her map, thus ending in the Imperial trap.
Trait - very quiet, enjoys tranquility and wandering in the forests. A bit savage; she will destroy whatever she judges evil or a threat to good.
WOC - katana, or any unique one handed blade.
Armor - light, not too covering while not too exposing. Like the Falmer armor (her fave).
Likes - Cheese. Soon, all cheeses of Skyrim will be stolen.
Companion - she is waiting to find her companion and soul-mate Aleph (can't wait for the Creation Kit) because she knows he will join the "mortal experience".
Eyes - Red
Hair - Black
Actions - Killes Alduin. Saved Paarthurnax and warned the Blades she would kill them if their paths crossed again. Destroyed the dark brotherhood. Sneaky, but not interested in the thieves guild. Hates some of the Daedra, but loves others (like Sanguine and Azura). Is Azura's champion.
Second char:
Zorlix. High elf, male. Had a huge dispute with his racist family (he is not racist) and left everything - the easy life, the wealth, for freedom. He fled to Skyrim. Sadly, he was caught crossing the border a bit drunk (hey, a man has to drink and eat whatever he finds, when hungry and thirsty).
Trait - Eager to fight for a cause, especially for injustice towards races. Violent when in a brawl. Sneaky. Polite with polite people. Can lose control sometimes, but he works hard so this doesn't happen.
WOC - aggers, bows.
Armor - light.
Likes - finishing tasks, being busy, helping others, stealing from the rich, dark elves in particular (he finds them strong).
Companion - Janessa.
Eyes - Amber
Hair - Black
Actions - Thieves Guild. Stormcloacks (though he is still not sure this was right). Is going to see the Grey beards soon. Married to Janessa.