1) We are showered with gifts. Well-intentioned, but when we are given "The Ultimate Hammer of Foozle" at level 10, it utterly destroys the excitement of finding otherwise good weapons. No handouts, please.
2) We are taken on "speed runs" of every dungeon to "get us geared up". Again, destroys the joy of discovery and learning, in the most meaningful and lasting way, the dungeon.
3) There are 7 or 8 masters of every crafting profession already in the guild. Nothing wrong here, but it dampens our enthusiasm and lessens our sense of contribution.
4) When raids or hard mode instances are played we are required to put on headsets and join in Vent or TS and spend 50% of the time listening to what is often mostly adolescent humor.
I'm not dis'ing guilds or their generosity, they serve a wonderful toke in the community. I just wanted to put a thought out there to explain why some people may prefer to just solo or duo a game. It's not because we are anti-social, and it think the people who will play TESO perhaps understand better than anyone else what I'm talking about. Tamriel has always been about exploration and discovery. Guild leaders keep this in mind and maybe have a place for people like us who enjoy camraderie and companionship but want to preserve the joy of discovery and the excitement of finding blue gear!