I still stand buy my statement. How can someone have the opportunity to moderate the beth forums if they are not even going to buy their cornerstone game.
"the nerve of this character," Im not talking to the president of the United States, I am talking to a moderator who spends way to much time dealing with virtual worlds and not the real one. I am pretty sure she doesnt command that much respect. I am not saying her job is worthless but I am just saying that there is no "nerve" involved and that t he position she holds doesnt command that much respect. What power does she hold, so what if she can ban me, I can make another account.
EDIT: That was really mean. Sorry. But I still believe it.
Well goodness. You do have a strong opinion of me for not knowing much about me. I came here in 2002 and have played 100's if not 1000's of hours of games both made by and published by Bethesda. I support them in whatever they ever do and hope for their success. They have made many hours of my life just a tad more enjoyable. I am friends with many of the developers, the public relations and artists who work for Bethesda. But I do have a personal life as well and part of that is that I draw the line of what I like and don't like in video games. I don't ask that everyone else draw the same line not that they even draw any line at all. But I do. If anyone, including Bethesda, whom I indeed have an emotional relationship with, makes a game that has aspects I don't want to deal with, I will not buy it. That is my right as a consumer. I get to be part of the market and make what little difference I can with my green.
This has little to nothing to do with moderating this forum. First I am charged with keeping the peace here and enforcing the rules. That is the same across all games with forums here and community discussion. I try very hard to do so in a fair and reasonable manner. I also try to remain an active member of this community and feel it is my right as a member to express my opinion about the games regardless if it is positive or negative. In fact you may notice this is part of many of our moderators profile:
While I am a moderator on these forums, I'm not an employee of gamesas. The views and opinions stated in my posts may or may not reflect those of Bethesda Softworks.
It is in mine. I am allowed to have my own views and opinions and to express them here.
And just because I might not buy or like this game, does not mean I won't like one they make in the future. I've been a fan for a very, very long time. I applaud anyone that can make so many games that have continued to amuse me for such a long time. It's nothing to sneeze at.
All that said, I find it funny that you don't think I have dealt with the real world. I'm a Mother of 3, a retired RN, Grandmother of 6, a wife, a homesteader, I've built two homes (not had them built, but built them), I have a masters, I hunt, draw, sculpt, read, quilt, party....and still find time to come here and help out and play some games. Retirement is pretty grand.
If you have any more questions feel free to send me a pm. I can be pretty darn freindly as well and I make an awesome friend.
[/self selling and arrogance]
As to making another account if you are banned, if we find it, it goes too and we are pretty good at finding them.