I don't want to get any thread to get locked. To be honest, I enjoy reading the pettiness of the younger crowd
I find it amusing.
Take the original post: here you have a young fellow thinking reasons for not buying a video game are "stupid", and I have to assume on the youthfulness of the poster, because we are talking about a choice of buying a
video game here: drinking and driving is stupid, getting a second mortgage on your home and flying to Vegas is stupid... but buying or not buying a video game hmmmmm

Then you have the other poster who cowboys up online. Come on, don't that me you laugh, or at least chuckle?.
A quick edit to add, I also enjoy reading the "fanboyism". Again, I find it amusing.
On the contrary, I love threads like this one, and when they get locked, it is a downer.
... yet, on the other hand, there's also a lot of "OmG W4Ntz SkYrimz!! b kuz itz Ep1K!!"
Is there a food you don't like? Or a color you don't like? Or a TV show you don't like? Or how about seeing a girl (or boy, whatever the case may be , I don't know your gender) you think is hot, then upon closer inspection, you see something she's wearing, or the size of her earlobes, maybe a uni-brow, or a mole on the on the other side of the face, and then you think "ugh"? Would you say the reasons you don't like such things are "stupid"? Or would you say is just a matter of personal taste, personal likes and dislikes?
I rest my case

:lmao: You do realize where you are typing those posts, don't you? You're on the Beth forum, and you want to bring up things entirely unrelated to the point that someone is discussing in a vain attempt to point out the ignorance of youth.... How ironic, considering you are also posting here, so why should you be so concerned with scolding people for listing their own personal preferences and thoughts about buying a game? It has nothing to do with "bigger real life issues", and yet you seem to think they come into play here. How amusing.
but accessible, i mean the gameplay, everytihing easier to get to, not as many things to keep track of, basically just more hand holding. And I absolutely agree about the UI, i didn't find Morrowind's UI all that great, but compared to OB and what I've seen of skyrim it's awesome. Why on earth can we only see 5 or so items at a time? thats a bad bad joke.
By your logic we should all be communicating today via handwritten letters on parchment that we deliver personally. Hmmm.....I wonder why we don't do that anymore.....? Your "hand holding" is called technological advancement by everyone else in the world.
What, are you an uber-Christian? And I'm buying it cuz it's pimptacular.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Oh, the ignorance. Thanks for the laugh, btw.
Also, you will get this thread locked with any more stuff like that, FYI.