Skyrim is low on the list for me. I'm interested in the potential for modding, but the overall game (based on current info) is not very compelling to me.
I could be wrong, (and have been). When I first played the Diablo demo, I thought it was interesting, but not something I'd ever play again ~and did not until I found it for $10 in IRRC Walmart, many years back. (I was indeed upset that I'd not played it when it came out; its a great game.)
I do not plan to buy Skyrim immediately though. I have a lot of games bought, that I haven't managed to complete yet. FO3; FO:NV; Vampire:Bloodlines; Space Rangers2; XIII; Pool of Radiance2; Temple of Elemental Evil; all of the Might & Magics; NWN 1(plus expan.); NWN2; MOTB; Battle March; Arcanum; Vampire:Redemption; Morrowind; Daggerfall; Stalker; and soon, the Witcher 2.
I'll sit out 'til most of the patches ship for TESV.
The real selling point for me has always been the mods that make these games so customizable. As a modder, I'll be able to make the game closer to my own game play expectations.
That was my hope for FO3, and NV, (and it looks possible too, but time has been a problem for me

) .
I hope the same for Skyrim, because I have no doubts that the environments will be spectacular.