Why I won't be buying or pirating Crysis 2. Constructive.

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:57 am

Wall of text FTW
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:41 am

To the original poster of this topic and all His noble Supporters:

I disagree with pretty much everything you have written. I came into the Crysis world a year or so after the first came out and loved it. This sequel is nothing like Crysis. BUT I **** LOVE IT

*cough* Excuse me.

The gameplay is nothing like COD. I hear your groan of disagreement. Please, fire up your $60 game and play it some more. It's innovative, it's unique, it's fast-paced, it instilled in me a deep feeling of awesome. I could care less about the multiplatform, for the PC version looks spectacular, with its inferior brethren looking significantly worse.

To conclude, Crysis was all about freedom and expression. Crysis 2 is about finding ways around certain obstacles, if that makes any sense at all. It's got this free spirit of "Be the weapon", but it's traded "Maximum Game" for "Maximum Gameplay", and I don't have any issues with that. No, you're not going to be playing this game a million times through the singleplayer, but the multiplayer should remain in the upper class of playerbase sizes. It won't, of course, because people like you keep bashing the game for what it "should" have been. No -- this is a different game, don't expect the same thing all over again. Crytek performed a lot of experimentation with this game, and some of it worked and some of it didn't.

If you don't like it, I apologize for your "wasted" money, but you shouldn't have been expecting another Crysis. You already got that; I believe it was called Warhead.
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:44 am

They never sold out. They expanded, and I don't blame them for moving to consoles. People, when Crysis 1 came out, considered gameplay mediocre (not just console gamers but MANY PC gamers), complained they couldn't run the first game, and thus this all led to low sales. G4 also reviewed Crysis 1 harshly and that actually had an impact to sales (nowadays, G4 cant have such an impact because they've become just simply TERRIBLE) AND Crysis 1 was one of the most pirated games or something like that. Crysis 1 was NOT that big of a success for Crytek, no matter how you want to look at it. Give or take a few years later and Crysis 1 still hasn't sold that well. That is why Crytek wanted to expand.....They never sold out. And IMO, it's all about understanding their situation. I KNOW they still care for PC but I understand WHY they expanded which is why I'm still a loyal fan.

I'll stop supporting when Crytek ceases to support their games, screws the PC version over (Crysis 2 PC is A PROPER PC GAME, I don't care what you say, AND Crytek is still supporting it. Screwing over a PC version means porting the game over last minute with bugs and errors and not caring for it one bit without even addressing issues remotely....*cough* MODERN WARFARE 2 *cough*), and/or become greedy lazy developers (which currently I doubt, but I mean...it happened to West and Zempella....). Crytek right now is working their ASS of on gettin Crysis 2 finished properly on the PC, and they aren't lazy because they expanded to consoles, they are just trying to make a profit off their hard work, unlike with their previous games (except Far Cry 1, that was a success for them).

i REALLY REALLY want to punch you in the face.. hell, maybe in a triangle choke till u loose conscious.

"Screwing over a PC version means porting the game over last minute with bugs and errors and not caring for it one bit without even addressing issues remotely"
ye, like the game doesnt have all of these problems and shortcoming?
the fail sli/crossfire support? all the sp bugs, LE bugs, Multiplayer bugs, cheaters? "The press Start to begin/Adjust the brightness to match your tv screen"? really? are you this blind or are we being trolled?

i had more fun with MW2. hell, even the pc version of blops was better than this.
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Big Homie
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:19 am

To the original poster of this topic and all His noble Supporters:

I disagree with pretty much everything you have written. I came into the Crysis world a year or so after the first came out and loved it. This sequel is nothing like Crysis. BUT I **** LOVE IT

*cough* Excuse me.

The gameplay is nothing like COD. I hear your groan of disagreement. Please, fire up your $60 game and play it some more. It's innovative, it's unique, it's fast-paced, it instilled in me a deep feeling of awesome. I could care less about the multiplatform, for the PC version looks spectacular, with its inferior brethren looking significantly worse.

To conclude, Crysis was all about freedom and expression. Crysis 2 is about finding ways around certain obstacles, if that makes any sense at all. It's got this free spirit of "Be the weapon", but it's traded "Maximum Game" for "Maximum Gameplay", and I don't have any issues with that. No, you're not going to be playing this game a million times through the singleplayer, but the multiplayer should remain in the upper class of playerbase sizes. It won't, of course, because people like you keep bashing the game for what it "should" have been. No -- this is a different game, don't expect the same thing all over again. Crytek performed a lot of experimentation with this game, and some of it worked and some of it didn't.

If you don't like it, I apologize for your "wasted" money, but you shouldn't have been expecting another Crysis. You already got that; I believe it was called Warhead.
Dear fanboy, if this game isnt Crysis.. then explain its title to me.
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:00 am

Amazing first post, it nails most of the points on the head, and was eloquently worded and mature. I agree with you, but I have a different perspective on the whole Crysis 2 situation that I haven't seen expressed a lot in the discussions.

Crytek has made complaints about piracy, and it's true that Crysis was heavily pirated, but I feel that was due more to the unavoidable aspect that plagued Crysis 1's sales: no one had the hardware to really experience it. Whatever your opinion is, I believe that piracy was significantly heavier for Crysis because people didn't want to buy it without seeing if they could even enjoy it on their current spec's, since there was so much press about it being the game that brought your rig to it's knees. The ones that did have the hardware, were in the minority -- problem is the minority is never a great group to depend on giving you enough money to continue doing what you'd like to do. It was inevitable, but the financially sound solution was to go multi-platform and make the concessions necessary to do so. I'm sure that Crytek's developers are PC gamers just like the rest of us, and a lot of them are VERY aware of the changes they had to make that were not exactly popular. However, should this be a great financial success for Crytek, then they will have the leeway to make more niche-decisions again, and maybe give the PC community the love and dedication I'm sure they'd like to --- were money not a necessary burden.

That's why I supported Crytek by buying Crysis 2. I recognized their hands were tied if they wanted to survive as a development team who could have the resources to create high-production games like Crysis 1 and Far Cry, and they needed to get their hands a little dirty. However, if CryTek survives to create more great titles, I'm sure you'll see that the more financially well off they are, the less "cater to the masses" decisions they'll have to make.

However, I do feel they've dropped the ball a bit on Public Relations. As much as people like to cry "EA" for a lot of these snafu's, I fear that it might be accurate. Precedent has shown that EA DOES push developers to release products before they're completely ready, and DOES force them to follow certain information release guidelines. It seems odd that they aren't as open as they used to be before EA, eh? I fear that saying there is no connection there is a little too much of an assumption.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:00 pm

EA has been beating a dead horse for a very long time that they managed to forget why the company was originally created.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:34 pm

^good point.
but anyway, i think both games have their ups and downs. crysis 1 was awesome technically and the first 2 levels are just awesome. i've replayed those about 10 times, the whole game about 6 times. graphics are just awesome, i mean only now in 2011 that they are able to release a single graphics card (GTX 590, HD 6990) that can max out the game at 1600p really shows how awesome the graphics in c1 (2007) is. c2, on the otherhand, has good enough graphics that can be rendered with decent (high-end) hardwares released today so we do not have to wait 3-4 years in order to max the game out. that's a plus. so graphics wise i think they did good. they only need to put in sharper textures and directX 10 or 11. if they don't it will be a step back compare to c1, c:wh.
gameplay wise, when you play you need to open your visor everytime you hear "tactical options available". by doing that, c2 comes pretty close to c1. i also enjoy the somewhat more linear approach because i get lost in c1 when i first play through it. also the menu for c2 is much better than c1 (3D effect anyone :D
i think the games, even though they belong to the same franchise, are quite different. and you should play through crysis 2 to the end before you comment on it. don't put a game down based on the first few levels.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:15 pm


First, of course everyone has different preferences when it comes to gaming.
Some just love to roam open environments and the possibility to explore different tactics, others like to be guided through more narrow levels. Fine.

But the thing with names and brands is - they usually stand for something. You can′t just say "Crysis 2 is NOT Crysis, get a grip!", since Crysis/Warhead stood for a particular kind of gaming experience. And Crytek promised to make said experience even better, not to change it into something very different.

It is like eating an cheeseburger for the first time, liking the taste and then buying an double cheeseburger because the name suggests that the initial tasty experience gets doubled. But instead you get a chickenburger with extra onions and the clerk is telling you "Well, this is a double cheeseburger and not a cheeseburger, so get a grip!". Add to this culinary debacle an old bun, flavourless sauce and the limp salad from yesterday and you might understand why all the admirers of the delicious cheeseburger are suddenly not very enthusiastic about the new double cheese.

And for the support Crytek allegedly provides - I am very curious to hear where I can find it.
I still have to turn off my second graphic card since running the game in SLI causes flickering.
I can still not upgrade my suit in SP since I just can′t collect any nanos.
I am still not able to configure the game to my needs without using 3rd party tools.
After not being able to log in with my MyCryis account the same thing happened to me with the full game.
The MP is still full of bugs and servers are full with cheaters.
Simple things that most people consider pretty much standard those days, like being able to host a private game, are not possible.

And all the time I am having a hard time to find even one single statement from Crytek which addresses the many justified complaints. This is not what I would call an active support.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:57 am

Developing-wise there seems to be nothing common between Crysis 1 & 2. I won't definetely say that I won't buy Crysis 2, but it is unlikely for me to do so. The decission is to be made after the patch (if there is ever going to be any). Unless it is a compete redesign in DX11 & 10 that makes a true difference, I won't purchase it.
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Nicole M
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:33 am

I really like Crysis 2, but I still agree. Crysis 1 is superior in almost any way.
Crysis 2 should have been named Crysis: Invasion or something and been the first game of side series.
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:18 am

I hope we stop pirating each and every game & bring back PC gaming to where it used to stand.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:25 am

This is written very well! better than any essay ive written for schoool

i agree with you 100 % !!
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Peter lopez
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:07 am

good points op. Crysis 1 is clearly superior. if we have have a vote Crysis 1 vs Crysis 2 which is better i believe Crysis 1 would pwn crysis 2 hands down. how bout someone make a poll?
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:00 am


First, of course everyone has different preferences when it comes to gaming.
Some just love to roam open environments and the possibility to explore different tactics, others like to be guided through more narrow levels. Fine.

But the thing with names and brands is - they usually stand for something. You can′t just say "Crysis 2 is NOT Crysis, get a grip!", since Crysis/Warhead stood for a particular kind of gaming experience. And Crytek promised to make said experience even better, not to change it into something very different.

It is like eating an cheeseburger for the first time, liking the taste and then buying an double cheeseburger because the name suggests that the initial tasty experience gets doubled. But instead you get a chickenburger with extra onions and the clerk is telling you "Well, this is a double cheeseburger and not a cheeseburger, so get a grip!". Add to this culinary debacle an old bun, flavourless sauce and the limp salad from yesterday and you might understand why all the admirers of the delicious cheeseburger are suddenly not very enthusiastic about the new double cheese.

And for the support Crytek allegedly provides - I am very curious to hear where I can find it.
I still have to turn off my second graphic card since running the game in SLI causes flickering.
I can still not upgrade my suit in SP since I just can′t collect any nanos.
I am still not able to configure the game to my needs without using 3rd party tools.
After not being able to log in with my MyCryis account the same thing happened to me with the full game.
The MP is still full of bugs and servers are full with cheaters.
Simple things that most people consider pretty much standard those days, like being able to host a private game, are not possible.

And all the time I am having a hard time to find even one single statement from Crytek which addresses the many justified complaints. This is not what I would call an active support.

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Ice Fire
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:15 am

100 Percent True, Could not agree more with this post.. Ty for putting it in literal terms, that even a retard from crytek could understand. Tho it will still fall on many deaf ears.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:28 pm

I personally liked the cheeseburger anology, I feel it's pretty accurate for what's being represented. When you think 'Call of Duty' you think fast paced FPS, lots of set-pieces and scripted events, very intense and pulse pounding gameplay.

And that's what you come to associate with COD.

With Crysis, I mean, they had Far Cry before and as Yahtzee points out it's much of the same, Jungle gameplay, stalking enemies, create your own tactics, play how you want, impressive vistas, open level design..

And then you would think that with Crysis 2, the same thing would happen.

I suppose it's the same with Far Cry and FC2. Different studio, different game, same name. The games are pretty much radically different. They took Far Cry and made a kind of sandbox out of it, it's a great game, but had really repetative elements to it (The guards, oh God, the guards, just DIE ALREADY!)... And the end result is that Far Cry and Far Cry 2 are different games..

The same with Crysis, except it's the same studio. There's no other justifiable excuse as to why a game can change so radically other than change of lead platform.. I mean, look at Morrowind and Oblivion. Oblivion is excellent, but it's pretty much the general concencus that Morrowind is better and has a much deeper gameplay system.

To everyone who has supported me, thank you, so much, I had no idea I could write something that resonates so well with the community. Something similar I wrote detailing why PC gaming is better (with the smug and arrogant tones of an Apple fanboy, but that part's just a joke)

236 (mostly positive) comments

Definitely worth a read.

And finally, voting with you wallet, remember this, but don't think that's the last step. People need to let developers know why they didn't buy. And don't tell them you're going to pirate it instead as if that will instigate fear and make them go "oh noo! We now must cater to this madman's demands!" Because it will just piss them off. There's no other way to word it. I know I would be pissed off.

But yes, that's not the last step. Developers are human and they can't read minds. The only thing they will see is lost sales so it is crucial that you must explain to them sensibly and politely why you are disappointed or angry or upset, whatever emotion, why you will not be purchasing, and how you feel they can improve the game.

I can guarantee if more people do this, games will get even better. It took me 20 minutes to write the OP (not counting time to entertain guests) but the feeling I get from reading the positive comments is awesome, and knowing that perhaps I'm doing something to advance my hobby for both myself and others.

So please let developers know why you have beef with them or their games, because in the end, it can do no harm, and you might just get what you want out of it.
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:32 pm

Good post. As for the "pc pirating" explication they can say to us, well let's just say when the consoles are gonna get cracked open all the way to hell, it will become an excuse rather than an explication - if not already.
Granted the xbox as of right now seems effective in the security department. But for how long? And what about the future consoles?
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:00 am

They never sold out. They expanded, and I don't blame them for moving to consoles. People, when Crysis 1 came out, considered gameplay mediocre (not just console gamers but MANY PC gamers), complained they couldn't run the first game, and thus this all led to low sales. G4 also reviewed Crysis 1 harshly and that actually had an impact to sales (nowadays, G4 cant have such an impact because they've become just simply TERRIBLE) AND Crysis 1 was one of the most pirated games or something like that. Crysis 1 was NOT that big of a success for Crytek, no matter how you want to look at it. Give or take a few years later and Crysis 1 still hasn't sold that well. That is why Crytek wanted to expand.....They never sold out. And IMO, it's all about understanding their situation. I KNOW they still care for PC but I understand WHY they expanded which is why I'm still a loyal fan.

I'll stop supporting when Crytek ceases to support their games, screws the PC version over (Crysis 2 PC is A PROPER PC GAME, I don't care what you say, AND Crytek is still supporting it. Screwing over a PC version means porting the game over last minute with bugs and errors and not caring for it one bit without even addressing issues remotely....*cough* MODERN WARFARE 2 *cough*), and/or become greedy lazy developers (which currently I doubt, but I mean...it happened to West and Zempella....). Crytek right now is working their ASS of on gettin Crysis 2 finished properly on the PC, and they aren't lazy because they expanded to consoles, they are just trying to make a profit off their hard work, unlike with their previous games (except Far Cry 1, that was a success for them).

i REALLY REALLY want to punch you in the face.. hell, maybe in a triangle choke till u loose conscious.

"Screwing over a PC version means porting the game over last minute with bugs and errors and not caring for it one bit without even addressing issues remotely"
ye, like the game doesnt have all of these problems and shortcoming?
the fail sli/crossfire support? all the sp bugs, LE bugs, Multiplayer bugs, cheaters? "The press Start to begin/Adjust the brightness to match your tv screen"? really? are you this blind or are we being trolled?

i had more fun with MW2. hell, even the pc version of blops was better than this.

You're not scary you stupid foreignor lol. A threat through the internet? It only makes you look like a fool.

And did I ever say Crysis 2 was without bugs and errors? No, but I stated that screwing a PC version over is to include bugs and errors and basically not give a **** about them and to not address them. FYI, Crytek has NOT ONLY ADDRESSED THE ISSUES but they are WORKING on serveral PATCHES AND UPDATES to fix the issues, and after 2 weeks of release, Crysis 2 has been working VERY well for me. THUS, Crytek did NOT screw over the PC version.

DO NOT try to smart mouth me lol or ATTEMPT to prove me wrong by twisting my words. LEARN TO READ.
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:27 pm

At first I looked at that wall of text and was like "no wai"

But, wow. Chaoslava nailed it. Good read, I am in complete agreement. Kudos.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:45 am

This thread deserves a sticky. Long read, but its definitely same what i think about C2.
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marie breen
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:50 am

Thank you guys, if you want it stickied, then PM a mod about it I suppose.
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:34 am


Bravo sir! That is exactly how I feel and my gripes with the game.

Even if we vote, Crytek's name is stained. It's unlikely they would try to correct their name by risking on amazing games like FarCry and C1, after selling out.

RIP Crytek and thanks for FarCry and Crysis, my favorite shooters.

Moving on to upcoming PC games ->

Yup, pretty much how I feel. They won't scam me again.

@ SilentPhenomed
Wow man, you need to put down that Crytek Poopberry coolaid...it's just not good. Defending a blatently mediocre game. You should just sell your PC and go play on Xbox360, because clearly PC gaming is wasted on you if you think Crysis 2 is "THE BEST GAME EVER!!!!"

@ fawstoar
No reason to play Crysis 2 again. Been there done that pfft...nothing exciting. I started to play the second time through in stealth and just got bored at the lack of sandbox gameplay, the neutered suit abilities...its the Nanosuit 2.0 but the Nanosuit 1.0 is so much better (Pshyco could kick Alcatraz's butt without breaking a sweat imo). The lack of desctructible enviroment, the new storyline, not closure to the Crysis 1 ending.


First, of course everyone has different preferences when it comes to gaming.
Some just love to roam open environments and the possibility to explore different tactics, others like to be guided through more narrow levels. Fine.

But the thing with names and brands is - they usually stand for something. You can′t just say "Crysis 2 is NOT Crysis, get a grip!", since Crysis/Warhead stood for a particular kind of gaming experience. And Crytek promised to make said experience even better, not to change it into something very different.

It is like eating an cheeseburger for the first time, liking the taste and then buying an double cheeseburger because the name suggests that the initial tasty experience gets doubled. But instead you get a chickenburger with extra onions and the clerk is telling you "Well, this is a double cheeseburger and not a cheeseburger, so get a grip!". Add to this culinary debacle an old bun, flavourless sauce and the limp salad from yesterday and you might understand why all the admirers of the delicious cheeseburger are suddenly not very enthusiastic about the new double cheese.

And for the support Crytek allegedly provides - I am very curious to hear where I can find it.
I still have to turn off my second graphic card since running the game in SLI causes flickering.
I can still not upgrade my suit in SP since I just can′t collect any nanos.
I am still not able to configure the game to my needs without using 3rd party tools.
After not being able to log in with my MyCryis account the same thing happened to me with the full game.
The MP is still full of bugs and servers are full with cheaters.
Simple things that most people consider pretty much standard those days, like being able to host a private game, are not possible.

And all the time I am having a hard time to find even one single statement from Crytek which addresses the many justified complaints. This is not what I would call an active support.

^-- QFT Dumbing down the game and porting it over to PC was a dumb move. They raised the bar THEMSELVES and they KEPT the bar raised with thier promises and THEY burned us, they lied (not just talking about DX11 stop beating a dead horse). We are justified to be pissed of and angery with them. Then the lack of any kind of real explinations, any real support, the gaping open wound that is multiplayer...says a lot about them.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:32 am

OP - Well put.

The thing for me (looking at SP here), isn't that I think the game is a bad game, or has bad gameplay, or isn't enjoayable, it's that it doesn't feel like the sequel to Crysis.

I'm really enjoying playing through Crysis 2, no doubt about that, it's addidictive, fun and has good graphics, but it's just completely different to Crysis 1, and after having a play through of a couple of levels of Crysis 1 last night, I realised just how different they really are, and I got to say, I miss Crysis 1.

You never know, maybe we'll get lucky? Maybe Crysis 3 could return to the open style of gameplay, the non-linear levels. Maybe. But even if it doesn't, I'll probably still get it, play it and enjoy it, I just need to appreciate it for what it would be, Crysis 2: 2 (If that makes sense?).
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:57 am

Good post really nice! hope this will hold on the forum for sometime before some form crytek reads it and deletes it xD
but still hope it will get a sticky !

+10000/1 for this post

think this is the last game i buy from Crytek.. :/ feel like a wasted my money
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:22 pm

Remarkable OP, a real eye opener, if only the right eyes were to see it.

For those saying it's not Far Cry or Crysis, yes you're right (and boy how right you are) but; do we see EA releasing a new nfs hyping it up to have all the latest hot motors in which you race mobility scooters?

Many would pre-order and be majorly dissapointed.

Many would not buy another nfs branded title.

And for the kid who likes the game and doesn't have any problems with it, good for you, but gtfo this thread already.

All of your posts can be summed up basically as "I like the game and it works for me so everything you say is wrong and I will repeatedly troll your threads and rant about it"
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