He's a guy with personal problems, in the intro/tut, it is explained that he OD'd on tequila the night before an important mission.
He could be a bit of a jerk like the marine in the movie: Hurt Locker, (Jeremy Renner)
So here's your run-of-the-mill Alcatraz. Nothing special, why should he be?
Awww, Alcatraz was not loved a child? Or maybe the man just likes a drink...
Dude... I bet he is a jerk, you see the way he handled lockhart!
Hmmm, I am content with that Alcatraz.

This is the true face of Alcatraz!!!!

HAA! Dude, That almost killed me when you posted that! I'm sure that is what he lookz like!
His eye color is green and he's afraid of water xD
He seems to be at least 6ft tall.
OH MY GOSH! Dude this forum you posted is a gold mine! I spent at least a few hours plundering through it!
My eternal thanks is to you for showing me this forum.
and I think I had a tear rolling down my eye when they said he almost drowned! That would have svcked if he died never to live out Crysis.
Okay, so what I've read so far what we have found out about of little Mr. Alcatraz is that he.....
He has aquaphoiba [if that is a word, but it means he doesn't like to H20], I'm taking it that he is Caucasian [by the sight of his white lookin' arms] with green eyes.
He is Screaming out 'MAXIMUM LOL!!!'
He likes to drink, and he was probably abused as a child. He is buff [obviously]
Fairly tall, he is sort of the stuck up type...
Anyone think he is married? I wonder if he is.... D: what if he has little children!?!?!
and he is either Me, Hyperion110 or one of you guys...
I think we have a good insight on Alcatraz!