why would a PC gamer play Skyrim on at 11/11/11?

Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:23 am

That part is a bit foggy really.. will it be better yes has to be by now its almost impossible not too xD.. but how much better is the question Oblivion High vs 360 wasn't too different in all means mainly because they kept almost everything and limited options. For example draw distances and AA

That's because the xbox 360 wasn't that much worse than most gaming PCs at the time....that has changed. Todd said the game would ship with higher textures for PC along with options to really boost the graphics on high end PCs.
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:42 am

let me get this straight...
you expect us to justify an answer as to why we are buying skyrim, and we are on the skyrim forums? i hope this thread locks.

edit: i hope you don't get skyrim and miss out.
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:46 am

I suggest you look at the footage again. Take a good hard look and pay particularly close attention to the distant land, the character animations, the water, the dynamic weather and shadows. Frankly, Skyrim on the 360 makes even a modded OB on the PC look like an N64 game.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:56 pm

Today I have Oblivion installed on my modern gaming rig along with hundreds of mods from the fantastic modding comunity. After watching the demos from E3 and following all Skyrim details I come up with these conclusions/comparisons:

1) My Oblivion install with graphic mods, notably Qarl's texture pack and MTAEVWD looks better then what I saw in the Skyrim demo
2) combat overhauls to Oblivion from Deadly Reflexes and Unnecessary Violence (created by amazing modders Skycaptain and Hex_Off) give more exciting combat then what I saw in E3 videos of Skyrim
3) Many mods today completely change the magic system in creative ways, much more then one system in vanilla Skyrim.

As for quests and the main story, meh, never was Bethesda's strong suite. No doubt the most exciting choice we will face in Skyrim will be if we respond to a quest giver with a "yes' or a "I'm not ready yet".

6 years ago I was stunned by Oblivion's graphics, delighted with it's open world but today I am seeing small improvements (no where near a Qarl's Textures) graphics and pretty much no change in the world design dare I say it, Skyrim is a re skinned Oblivion. So if a PC gamer can mod Oblivion into a better game then Skyrim why should said gamer run out on 11/11/11 and pick up his pre ordered copy? given it will be years if ever anything like todays mods for Oblivion are created for Skyrim

Please my fellow PC gamers give me and other forum readers your reasons for buying Skyrim on 11/11/11

The reason PC gamers will play Skyrim on 11/11/11 is even with all of those great mods, Oblivion is still a far inferior game to Morrowind. Why? Because there are no mods that make Cyrodiil alien, fresh, and interesting. No mods have given Cyrodiil a vibrant and exciting history matched with unique cultures. Gameplay was never Oblivion's problem, the world was its downfall. That is what Skyrim will bring to the table that was absent from Oblivion. Whether or not Skyrim has better gameplay than a modded Oblivion is yet to be decided, but I have no doubt that it will be a much more interesting game to play.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:02 pm

I couldn't care less about being ridiculously picky about graphics. Skyrim could have N64 quality graphics and if it had the depth of game play it's going to have I'd have fun with it. PS2 graphics are good enough for me, and anything more is a bonus. Skyrim looks amazing to me.

Another good point is that not all PC gamers have top of the line (or even near top of the line) PCs! Bethesda is making the right choice here in my opinion. More people will be able to run the game. If the days of computer games constantly requiring hundreds of dollars of upgrades every few years are over then good. I think it's amazing that the graphics races have slowed down. I think it's good for the average gamer since it slows down the need for hardware upgrades and allows less frequent more significant upgrades.

I understand some people get all googly-eyed over tesselation and fancy dancey shadows and whether you can see strands of hair in a Nord's armpit but I quite honestly couldn't care less. I'm very much looking forward to this game. I like graphics, but I'm not that picky. If you invest hundreds or thousands of dollars on a machine and games don't make use of it you have no one to blame but yourself, to be frank. It has never been a good idea to buy PC hardware preemptively.

I still go back and play 20+ year old games I missed out on when I was younger. I kind of feel sorry for people that are so obsessed with graphics that they couldn't enjoy those games, all because of how they look.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:25 pm

Today I have Oblivion installed on my modern gaming rig along with hundreds of mods from the fantastic modding comunity. After watching the demos from E3 and following all Skyrim details I come up with these conclusions/comparisons:

1) My Oblivion install with graphic mods, notably Qarl's texture pack and MTAEVWD looks better then what I saw in the Skyrim demo
2) combat overhauls to Oblivion from Deadly Reflexes and Unnecessary Violence (created by amazing modders Skycaptain and Hex_Off) give more exciting combat then what I saw in E3 videos of Skyrim
3) Many mods today completely change the magic system in creative ways, much more then one system in vanilla Skyrim.

As for quests and the main story, meh, never was Bethesda's strong suite. No doubt the most exciting choice we will face in Skyrim will be if we respond to a quest giver with a "yes' or a "I'm not ready yet".

6 years ago I was stunned by Oblivion's graphics, delighted with it's open world but today I am seeing small improvements (no where near a Qarl's Textures) graphics and pretty much no change in the world design dare I say it, Skyrim is a re skinned Oblivion. So if a PC gamer can mod Oblivion into a better game then Skyrim why should said gamer run out on 11/11/11 and pick up his pre ordered copy? given it will be years if ever anything like todays mods for Oblivion are created for Skyrim

Please my fellow PC gamers give me and other forum readers your reasons for buying Skyrim on 11/11/11

All I can say is don't knock it 'til you try it. Nobody who comments on this forum who hasn't actually tried making a game can really judge Bethesda. I can say that after modding and continuing to mod Fallout 3 and New Vegas extensively, making large quest mods, that I understand at least some of what Bethesda has chosen. Honestly, I can't look at a single decision they have made and say that it was the wrong choice.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:18 pm

Play vanilla first, to see what might need changing. Hopefully not much.
Used a lot more mods in Oblivion than Morrowind because I thought it needed them more.
Really excited to play Skyrim on 11/11/11.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:46 pm

This thread is quite ambitious, trying to rationalize leaving that game installed. Oh god, after skyrim is released i dont plan on playing that game ever again.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:49 pm

I need to play it vanilla to know what needs to be modded.


(Also, I play modded Oblivion... but not with magic alterations, super texture packs, or deadly-reflex style stuff. I mostly add prettier characters & clothes, and quests. Only gameplay mod I use is Francesco's scaling mod. I'm looking forward to Skyrim's gameplay, and I think it looks better than Oblivion.)

...as an aside, I'm not a fan of the "better" texture packs for Oblivion and Fallout 3 - way too high levels of noise, and waaaaay too much normal/bump mapping & super-contrasty black shadows & stuff. The screenshots I see on the Nexus, with all the super-bumpy rocks, grainy ironwork, deeply shadowed boards.... ick. Looks terrible.
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Justin Bywater
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:09 pm

Why can't I keep myself away from reading these forums and threads like this one

I ask myself the SAME EXACT thing...
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:19 pm

Why wouldn't you play Vanilla 1st. By playing Vanilla 1st you get to see what's wrong in your opinion with the game and then after Beth or someone else releases the necessary tools then you can fix what you want to fix.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:20 am

Maybe because being a fan of a series means at least trying the next game in it. You haven't played Skyrim yet, for all you know it'll blow every other game released in the next five years out of the water. Sure you can look at a game's trailer and make a decent assumption, but until you've actually played it you have NO idea what it'll be really like.
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:06 pm

I was expecting something different in this thread, at least based on the title.

I won't be playing Skyrim on 11/11, but that's not really because of mods or anything - it's just because I refuse to pay to be a beta tester. I'll wait until it's patched into stability before I bother with it, simply because that's what I do with all software.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:06 am

The reason PC gamers will play Skyrim on 11/11/11 is even with all of those great mods, Oblivion is still a far inferior game to Morrowind. Why? Because there are no mods that make Cyrodiil alien, fresh, and interesting. No mods have given Cyrodiil a vibrant and exciting history matched with unique cultures. Gameplay was never Oblivion's problem, the world was its downfall. That is what Skyrim will bring to the table that was absent from Oblivion. Whether or not Skyrim has better gameplay than a modded Oblivion is yet to be decided, but I have no doubt that it will be a much more interesting game to play.

You say that as if it's fact. I happen to think Cyrodiil is a brilliant setting with plenty of exciting history (Ayleids, Imperial slaves forming a rebellion, Akatosh's covenant, historical kings and explorers, Alessia, Pelinal, and Reman Cyrodiil, etc) and its own thing going on in the form of its blended, almost homogenized (yet retaining aspects of other provinces) culture. I happen to think Oblivion's setting is superior to Morrowind's and I happen to think the game, as a whole, is too. No one can prove your opinion has more weight than mine or vice-versa, but you shouldn't state your opinion as fact and pretend it's the case.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:11 pm

Oblivion is still a far inferior game to Morrowind. Why? Because there are no mods that make Cyrodiil alien, fresh, and interesting.

:rolleyes: Cyrodil would have looked pretty stupid with giant mushrooms all over the place.

I pretty much disagree with everything you said. Guess we're back to square one.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:00 pm

Because the game comes out at that time?

But if you think it's just a total conversion of Oblivion then it's your loss...

have fun watching the gameplay videos on day one...

Nah, he'll be in line. He's a keyboard warrior before release, raving fanatic on release day.
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