You know, I like Ulfric's armor but it doesn't really match well with anything. So I never use it.
You know, I like Ulfric's armor but it doesn't really match well with anything. So I never use it.
That was nothing to do with the quality of the warriors.
Complacency at many levels affected the outset of the Great War.
That'd be fine if I wasn't being unfair here. I'm not proclaiming Imperials the greatest warriors that ever walked Tamriel, after all.
Imperials in lore are proficient in all pursuits but are master of none.
Things just keep getting worse and worse for the Empire but i do not doubt that we will prevail. If we only would have attacked the Dominion when they were defeated by Hammerfell. i have no doubt thats the Skyrim rebellion would have stop right then and there and there would be no cause for the inner corruption.
I'm not certain that's true. They're pushed for diplomacy pretty hard.
Read the Imperials are the jack of all trades in the Elder Scrolls-verse.
Fair enough. That is why i pick Imperial over Nord... well to be honest when i first got the game i couldn't choose between Imperial or Breton :/ the extra coin and voce of the emperor threw me over.
The point is we collectively failed and the Nordic Legion forces had to bail us out. We will return the favor to those point ear'd bastards though, of that i have no doubt. Alinor will fall in flames. I don't mean the whole island, just the capital.
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society
Your sig kind of matches the theme of the thread. lol
Yes, but I think that the skill bonuses are representative of what skills each race utilizes best realistically. Isn't that what makes the most sense?
Thats just it, we tryed. The Thalmor demanded we outlaw Talso for nothing in return. It was obvious these guys were out for war and there was no way around it. We did right by our citizens and denied the Thalmor and they attacked us. We managed to fight them off even after the taking of our captial. We were in a broken state so we to end it asap with the signing of the WGC. We were in no postion to negotiate the treaty in any way shape or form. We did what we had to do to save lives and that is far more imporant than the worship of a God. Anyone who values relgion above life is a fool, simple as that. The agreement to the treaty was the smart move our end and the foolish move on the Thalmor end becasue it gave us an advantage, time. The treaty came at a cost just as all treatys do and the Nords of Skyrim didn't like it so now theres a rebellion. We can handle the rebellion, it's the upcaoming war the Legion is worried about.
As of now our Emperor is dead and there is nothng we can do about it but try and find a replacement as well as cut out the cancer in the Elder Council. This is why the preservation of the treaty is important to the Empire at this point in time, we need the peace to fix our corruption and stop the rebellion. If the rebels would just realize the big picture here then that would save everyone alot of trouble. It is truly sad that the Thalmor are doing what they do to Nords in Skyrim but we NEED this peace to last for the time being.
The defining feature of Imperial culture is its cosmopolitanism. Although some individuals may be the most arrogant bigots in Tamriel, culturally the Imperials are very conciliatory and congenial, making them skilled diplomats and traders. Even Imperial claim some semblance of civility. It's easy to understand given their geography and cultural schisms: Cyrodiil borders almost every other province, and the historical separation yet underlying unity and interaction of the Cyrodilic regions made the Imperials well practiced at building bridges and maintaining order. Though there are many regions, the two most powerful effectively controlled all regions close to them: the western Colovian Estates and the eastern Nibenay Valley.
Early Imperials in eastern Cyrodiil strongly believed in the Alessian Doctrines, even after the Empire's fall, which made them disfavor many practices, notably farming. They defaulted to mercantilism, and became a wealthy merchant power with a vibrant society that made colorful clothing, conducted elaborate ceremonies, and loved tattoos and philosophy. Through their river network, they were able to export many goods, including textiles, fabrics, moon sugar, rice and armor. Though their beliefs were monotheistic, they often focused on the numinous nature of some facet of society, and many diverse cults operated openly over the years, dedicated to many animal spirits and hero-gods, as well as ancestor worship. The Colovians, in contrast, took on a more austere but adventuresome lifestyle, in keeping with their Nordic ancestry, and often became mercenaries and pirates. The unification under Reman I didn't eradicate these differences, although, of course, the was predominant all over the province by the end of the First Era.
The respect and admiration Imperials had for Tiber Septim is nothing compared to the veneration they have for him as a god of the, regardless of the heresies often espoused about him. His accomplishments inspired them to believe they could do anything they set their mind to. The end of his dynasty was greeted with great mourning, although also with great pride, as his last known descendant,, sacrificed himself to save all of Imperials know all too well that dynasties are destined to rise and fall; all it will take is time before the Glorious Empire once again reigns over Tamriel.
I don't see anything besides being big on speaking and trading.
Or is gameplay equalling lore more than you realise? Think, in Morrowind did you ever really kill Vivec or did he simply reload letting the Nerevarine think he killed him, letting the Nerevarine continue to exist in a world in which he does not exist, hence his dissapearence in Skyrim, as it is occurring in the alternate universe created by Vivec reloading himself out of the world.
The Septims are gone so we have to play the cards we're delt.
now that i think about it the Stormcloaks would have served better as a small renegade group of Thalmor hunters. Stop the abductions and not casue civil war with the Empire.
I'm interested to see what happens with the empire next game. May flip everything around or make it go another way. We can only guess.
Indeed. I'm confident in the Empire though.
I'd admit, I never got attached to the empire or the stormcloaks. Dont hate or like either much.
I'm always a listener
You don't like the Thalmor do you? There a few nut jobs on these boards that do so i have to ask.