God no, I gladly kill them on the road.
God no, I gladly kill them on the road.
For some reason, I don't think I ever seen him naked. Hm...
Politics just always go over my head. I read so many of these debates with good points on both side. I just never got attached like others seem to have. It's all over my head, people killing people for their values.
I still know who is outright evil though. Down with the Thalmor!
Gee how akward would be? Have someone walk in to see you hunched over a computer typing "Ulfric Stormcloak naked" into google XD
I didn't google it myself and link to it for a very good reason
(Actually, I'm pretty sure I've googled just "Ulfric Stormcloak" without anything about "naked" or "nvde" and got a nvde pic among other, clothed ones. Yes, I google the most strange things.)
Galmar looks at his inventory "SON OF A.... EVERYTHING I KNOW IS A LIE"
No, wait... Cat? Khajiit? Ulfric, what have you been up to?
His clothes isn't a reward, liberating and reuniting Skyrim is. Unlike Ulfric, who fights for the prize of being High King, the Legion fights to defend the people of Skyrim against his aggression. That is all the reward that is needed for me.
But not to defend the people of Skyrim from the Thalmor.
True, but people do like to remove Ulfric's clothing for some reason. I dunno, I like to keep his clothes on. Give the poor man some dignity and all. He saw his own rebellion crushed, his comrade and second-in-command killed before his eyes. Stripping him is just adding insult to injury.
But the Thalmor are still there even if Ulfric won, aren't they?
I agree with the son of one of the Jarls. Ulfric may be saying what everyone wants to hear, but his heart may not be wholly set for Skyrim.
Only in the embassy and then only because the main quest requires it. 11-11-11
Not when we have this it isn't.
No, Thalmor Justicars stop roaming Skyrim if the SC win the CW. The only reason Thalmor still exist in quests is so those quests aren't broken if you beat the CW before doing those quests. Can you imagine the rage among players who broke the MQ by doing the CW for the SC side before doing Diplomatic Immunity?
Guess you ignored his "why I fight" speech.
Does that sound like somebody who only cares about themself?