How many of those speeches do you think are given in the privacy of their homes with their good friend with the grand total of one stranger? How rich would you be on that account?
So Ulfric made a speech to his loyal followers so to persuade them to be loyal? Seriously? Why he lie while he is in his stronghold surrounded by people like his best friend who would die for him.
Bcuz he eats human heads and uses the blood to write calligraphy while taking orders from Elisif bcuz he's a thalmor sleeper agent of course.
I wouldn't be surprised if some people actually think that way considering some of the responses I've seen.
So you can burn 'em. Plague prevention and all that.
I understand that people don't like Ulfric, but I don't get not liking his clothes; outside of that they don't really go with any helmet.
Imperial supporters are pretty much fanatical in their hatred of Ulfric. I swear, they think anything that so much as even comes in contact with Ulfric deserves to be destroyed since Ulfric had it.
I humitiated him with Galmar, on his table, with all ex-jarls watching while eating.
I like the clothes because they're unique, and make my Breton look.. powerful.
That basically tells you all you need to know about a lot of them.
Not everyone likes the moth-eaten dirty rug look.
Fair enough, as not everyone likes the prissy petite skirt look. When nords wear a skirt, we make it look manly.
Hey Hey dont get that imperial supporter attitude now!
The only armor and weapons I used were either granted as a reward for skill (Guildmaters armor) or as a symbol and tool (Dawnbreaker or Nightengale Blade) of my characters beliefs (Amulet of Talos)...though that last one is a bit more complicated than mere divine worship. Everything else is forged and made by her hand.
Never was one for taking trophies. Ulfric keeps his clothes, and I even take his body and lay it at the base of a Talos shrine. Just because he was misguided doesn't mean he's deserving of disrespect or desecration.
Lol, every action...Besides, I didn't say their outfits look bad. Just that nords make them look good. Like the boss looking whiterun dude in the imperial outfit. Now THAT'S how you wear a skirt.
Then you choose the wrong side since Tullius says he is going to desecrate Ulfric's body by cutting his head off and putting it on a spike on a wall in the Imperial City.
I never said I didn't like them, I just said that they were sweaty...which they would be...if we could sniff them...
A lot of races have good reason to hate him, It's not just Imperials. I still respect him, but I loathe him at the same time.
Stormcloak supporters are exactly the same way to the empire >.>
By your logic we'd be killing ourselves since many of us were once Empire Supporters and came into contact with many others as well.