Guess you missed the whole "General Tullius/Ulfric Stormcloak resists Soul Trap"
Guess you missed the whole "General Tullius/Ulfric Stormcloak resists Soul Trap"
Ew, if that armor design would be in vanilla game I'd seriously go ape[censored] about it.
Anyway, what made you think his apparel was the reward? Maybe I roleplay a bit too much, but I never understood people who solve quests solely for their prize and are upset when some quest doesn't give them uber artifacts.
Perfect example of what I'm talking about, Morrowind had too much (in a good way though), Oblivion had plenty (despite most good stuff being freakin leveled) and Skyrim in my opinion had well more than enough unique stuff where it made sense.
In real life, after the war is finished you optionally get a medal. No one's going to give you a tank and an expensive machine gun cast out of gold for participating in it.
Does Molag Bal take the mace's victims only when they are soul trapped by the player? I thought he takes the victim anyway because, you know, he's a Daedric Lord and all.
I killed her as soon as I found out she would no longer be needed for future DLC.
I don't care what anyone says, these threads have NOT been going downhill since Bethesda announced the end of development on Skyrim. This one's got it all.
oh - and having Ulfric as a thrall would be awesome, if it's possible. It's on my list of things to try.
My one and only Legionnaire character threw his clothing onto a mannequin along with the Masque of Clavicus Vile... actually looked kinda badass.
I don't do the Civil War questline anymore, though. I don't like it's affect upon the gameworld much.
Yes since apparently daedric artifacts only take souls if they are fully powered and their effects activate. For instance, Mehrunes Razor only said it took souls if someone was instakilled by it in Oblivion, so that would mean a daedric artifact only take souls if its effect activates.
Because it's similar to armor and Spartans were badass
How can you kill her on consoles? The only time I see her is in the embassy before I can do anything and when I tell her that she's not allowed to sit at the big boys table during Seasons Unending
PFft. Killing Elenwen is so mainstream.
Hmm Rose may be paying her a visit after she deals with that pesky flying lizard.
You look kinky.
Because it's amazing and better then your fur pelts, savage!
I just don't understand why they keep giving us armour that fits the opposite side you're on. In Oblivion, remember the dark seducers and golden saints? you had to join the golden saints to get dark seducer armour and vice verca. Which is totally baffling.
Get a room you two.
Refer to my sig.
It is pretty dumb.
I wanted Tulius' clothes when doing the civil war questline (Imperials) but at least I got the next best thing, Pentius Oc armor.
I reverse pickpocketed borrowed it off one of them.
You can use a horse to jump the fence, or the full whirlwind sprint to go back through Reeking Cave (haven't tried the later though). I think there's a description on UESP.
Next time, I'll bring Ulfric and let him do it. I'm sure he'll love it!
This is our room!
I still want Tullius's armour, but I will never do the cloaks side again.
Yeah, that's another thing that bugs me, you have to either get a really high pickpocket skill, kill one of the PO members Or join the DB to get the awesome PO armour, i usually just kill him because he re-spawns, but still...