Iirc I dumped them in my Proudspire home just inside the ground entrance so that I subconsciously walk over them every time I come home.
The cloth makes a great rug to get that Solitude mud off your feet.
I prefer the barbarian look of the Stormcloak Officer armor, but eh. I can understand what you mean.
I just happen to like barbarians and stuff.
Sweat is just weakness leaving your body.
Why would I want Ulfric wearing clothes when he could be sweaty and naked? Hm, good question.
Oh, that wasn't what you meant?
And people say the Stormcloaks supporters are the ones who start CW threads. Guess Imperial supporters should take a look in the mirror.
Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, but this thread is about the quality of fine fashion. Time to borrow your own mirror.
ahaha not quite what I meant! but close...
Just because a thread has the word 'Ulfric' in it, doesn't mean it's a CW thread, silly....
I took his clothes and left his body with jugs of milk laying around it. That'll teach dem rebels.
Not true, if you talk to one of the merchants in whiterun, forgot her name, the food one, she specifically says that the stormcloaks smell and she says "at least balgruufs men bathed regularly"
Carlotta. Curse Bethesda for taking her off the marriage list. I wanted a good Imperial women.
Yeah.....there are quite a few NPC's that were ripe for the picking, but bethesda just doesn't like making the good ones available. >_<
Ill raise a mug to that. I didn't whip mikael to his senses for nothing...
"All that matters is my daughter, Mila" I have a huge house with deticated staff and hundreds of thousands of septims. Did i also metion i slay dragons for a living? I'm the best deal you'll get lady.
:: facepalm :: - goes back to mikael -, " go ahead and bother her again, I dont care" >_<
Exactly. We've got Carlotta and Mila's bests interests at heart here.
First Carlotta then Serana... http://theorange.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/ForeverAloneBlackTextSS.png Bethesda.
Lets also not forget Hroki as well... They love to mess with their fans.
Well...Serana is over thousand years old...
Wish there were more werewolves to marry for my female lycan, but I suppose I can let her marry Aela.