Being nice and pleasant is independent of being evil. Evil people don't always cackle with maniacal laughter.
I like to think the player character is already evil: he handles every situation with the pull of a trigger, even in situations where charisma checks would have dispelled the situation or even gain him allies/resources. Plus, you have the option of gaining settlements by killing everyone in it or can even join the Institute.
You're a very evil, bloodthirsty person, who only skirts the law enough to keep people thinking you're friends with them. Which is typical for an East Coaster, really
...and when the justice league regulators magically track you down using the robco gps finder, you can feel truly immersed in your eeeevil character because...consequence...
...unlike that time in Fallout 4 when someone who actually knew the person you killed or stole from and know that you were involved with them, approaches you and wants to know if you had anything to do with it...because that makes no sense compared to the magic evil meter of Fallout 3...
You're a Bethesda Loyalist and you just recently joined these forums? Seems kind of odd. You can do what some would classify as evil actions, but you can't be a pure evil bastard no.
I can be both actually.
You never saw a bully, ot what?
Only stupid and bad bullies get bullies don't...
-Letting a serial killer go.
-Letting a 300+ year old man, possessed by a lovecraftian horror, who committed crimes so evil he was put on death row, out of his cell, and assisting him in murdering his family.
-Letting a child die of a terrible disease.
-Selling a kid and his parents into slavery.
-Robbing Hancock.
-Not evil
And this is why I respect you when you say clever things like that.
Another X isn't in the game! thread. Froth froth froth. Why is it that most of these claims are plain wrong?
Stealing, lying, doing and selling chems, slavery, Fallout 4 is the first game since F2 where you can kill children.
Not a fan of any of those to be honest, especially not killing kids.
It's in the game all right. The problem is - no one acknowledges it. No one cares. You can be evil, but it doesn't affect the gameworld. It's Bioware all over again - I can shoot (most) people in the face all I want (renegade shepard) and sometimes say I'm doing it for my own gains, but I'll still be hailed as the hero in the end, as if I've done those things for the benefit of all, or whatever.
Well, I don't want to be an edgy anti-hero. I want to be a dike out for myself. I want people to realize it, but be unable to stop me.
Most of the time the people directly affected by your actions reacts and cares about your decision. Family members come after you, factions become hostile and companions can turn on you if you do things in front of them. But most people in the Commonwealth never care, which makes sense because most wouldn't have heard about it or particularly care unless someone close to them was involved.
In my experience most NPC you come across don't treat you like a hero either, apart from the settlements which always implore you for help, you usually have to explicitly state that you are looking for work or looking to help to get people to look to you for assistance.
But that's the thing - factions only become hostile at a specific point, as in once you've done a particular quest, when really they should become hostile organically once you've done enough things they disapprove of. Like, if you support ghouls and synths enough times while being a member of the BoS. Or you killing enough synths as a member of the Railroad. The companions just leave me if they disagree, and it takes effort to even make them do it... I was a full BoS supporter and Nick still loved me in the end. I feel like that was a missed opportunity.
They're all evil, you have to try pretty hard to not be evil in this game. That includes not doing most missions, telling most everyone to bugger off and then defending yourself when attacked. this means no BoS, no railroad and certainly no institute.
There are hardly any video game rpg's that I can think of that you get to actually truly be evil. In most cases, the "evil" option is simply being a complete jerk for no real reason and it still has hardly any great outcome in the end game. This game is no different really, you still have the ability to be a complete jerk (evil), there's just nothing telling you that you are.
It's a bit tricky to trigger the factions, but it can be done before the questline develops to that point. I've had companions attack me when I meet them again and sometimes attack me right on the spot, but some of them are just too easy to please, they're basically ok with homicide as long as you just show off your lockpicking skills.
Be that as it may, Fallout games tend to give you that extra freedom. Selling your companions into slavery, siding with raiders to attack innocents, wiping out towns on your own free will with all the consequences therein (I don't think I ever let Vault City live, come to think of it. But that's justified!), helping out objectively evil people, talking people into harmful habits or into decisions that hurt everyone else, letting people die/killing innocent people for either personal bigotry or to make a quest easier...
A lot more than a handful of rare examples of "you can let this One serial killer go, or let this One lovecraftian horror kill his family, or let this One family get sold into slavery". There's a higher standard for this sort of thing in the Fallout series.
Yes, and I think that could have been resolved with a simple Nick Valentine > player support Institute/BoS > hostile dialog > character made hostile.
I love Nick, but it just felt so ooc for him to be 100% ok with me supporting the Brotherhood in the end. Just give me some different dialog Bethesda, seriously. I want to have to pay for my crimes.
After all that has happened in concerns to the main quest I personally would think the lone survivor would be feeling conflicted. Not good or evil but just left going WTF. Your out of place in a world turned upside down and left looking like a something out of a horror movie. For me the lone survivor has become the lone wanderer that hopes to be a courier of what was and could be. Sorry got a little wordy there.
And what if you don't play a smart bully?
Like one of the billion raiders out there?
You're told as much in a brief, same-ending-for-everyone soundbyte... and then go right back to the post-apocalyptic playground.
There's evil options in-game but not in-character. My evil character mostly just go with the flow quests... He also forcibly take over settlements (slaughtering Settlers is a thing). Which I feel is fine enough. Doing evil routes in quests is very tricky, especially since in the past... It has been pretty bad and comically.
They tend to have a very short life expectancy...but if you want to play the guy in a mankini that gets steamrolled by a vault dweller with power armor, 268 stimpacks and a gattling laser because the settlers at Oberland Station wanted their sister back...
If you go that way don't forget to play a man creating his own religion because he's so strong that nothing can beats him (minus perhaps Liberty Prime. Does anyone actually tried to take this one down on purpose?)...
Pretty sure the evil option is still available. I mean, the Brotherhood of Steel is a joinable faction, isn't it?
Thankfully yes, but 'disgusting mutants and ghouls' are still not specified as a unified group the killing of which should be listed under 'good karma deeds', so that's a gameplay issue that needs to get patched...