That's only on the player side. Our characters will still go on saying nice or sarcastic things there doesn't seem to be a way to tell people off. And be evil in character.
Sry, u have to choose between:
-(Evil Choice Missing)
One of the biggest complaints about Fallout 3 was that most of the "evil" options were comically over the top. Like, blowing up Megaton just because someone thinks it ruins the view? In my experience it seemed like most of the "evil" dialog options made us sound like a narcissistic manchild... which I guess works, considering the Lone Wanderer is a 19-year old vault dweller.
I never felt forced into being the Paragon-Shepard good guy in 4, though, although for some of the quests it seems like you're always just accepting the quest in either a heroic, badass, or neutral way. But seeing as how the entire game is about doing quests and the only quests with a time limit are repeatable, I don't consider that a real problem.
I despise the good-evil crap and yes, the good paragon is shoehorned into fallout 4 whenever your character even gets a chance to open their mouth in the main quests, You can't change your character's mind about why he's/she's out there, or supporting the factions through a new lens, it's just the same, which is kind of dikeish on it's own, but reasonable: To exploit the factions to find his/her son, SHAAAAAUUUN.
I definitely would love to see a brutal, darker option that made short -term results good but could make things questionable in the long run. Save the mustache-twirling idiocy for cartoon shows.
Yeah, if you wanted to be "I don't care about my child, let's wreck the place" evil, Fallout 4 really doesn't accommodate you. But the entire point of the main quest is finding our son, and if memory serves I almost always had the option to be pissed about it, instead of only being confused or just sad.
Being Evil ist Stupid. Who normal human want's to Play a Nazi, Slaver or IS like idiots? But i would have put in Paragon/Renegade Karma like in Mass Effect. I didn't liked the slavery from Childs in Fallout 3 and even in Fallout 4 it would make a lot less sense to slave childs when you have an own child and searching for it.
Hey, if you want to wall your settlements, and have the guns and guards facing inwards, go for it....
Actually, when I first entered the Institute and Father came wanting to talk to me I just shot him in the head, then went haywire and killed all the guards. Then I was stuck with no way of getting that little kid out.
Only after a peaceful playthrough I found out that the first time I've shot my own kid in the face. Shauuuuuuuuuuun !
That's not really an 'evil', that's more of a neutral standing of coming to realization you're an entirely new world that is in frequent turmoil and requires at least someone to care and help. Sometimes it's best to drop personal matters and help for the sake of humanity, and this is basically one of them. Pissed about your son being lost? Not really, I think that option only comes in a few areas, the rest is just you being a dike overall until you have to give up on it and be nice, or worst, it progresses the game in the same damn manner as the happy route, literally pulling a Bioware.
except being evil has nothing to do with how you talk, its your actions that dictate it.. heck, some of the most corrupt and cruel individuals in human history were quite smooth talkers and talked as if they were in the right, but its their actions that made them what they were..
And sadly, that is also missing within Fallout 4, I mean there's a....what's the word...tinge of some sort of dark 'survival of the fittest' when it comes to the mole rat quest in the vault, but it's overall just nudges it out from 'sensible evil' to a bit too far into 'goofy mustache twirling' evil.
I was simply pointing out that its not what a person says that makes them evil, its their actions..
Exactly, I can play a very devious and heartless character while at the same time only ever using the "yes" option the entire game. It is how I choose to adress the matter that defines my character, not how I respond to it.
You can be plenty evil in this game, but if you mean being a jerk in comments and refusing quests then basically the game will be less than 20 hours since they all require saying something at least decent to NPC so they give you stuffs to do.
Agreed, this has always been my problem with many of the Bioware games where the "evil" dialogue often amount to nothing more than juvenile insults.
I would say irl a lot of evil is committed quite unwittingly, it's amazing what one can justify to oneself under the right circumstances. I feel FO4 captures that well.
U can do evil things in Fo4 but ur still Mr. Nice Guy when u try to find ur Son. This makes no Sense. Am i crazy? Do i have 2 Personalities? So everything of beeing a Bad Guy is more or less Imaging and not an Option.
Being insulting and just doing bad guy things for the sake of being evil is a very poor and highly unsuccessful way of being evil. Pretending to be a honest person and disguising your true motives is a far better way of achieving your goals, which is what "evil" in terms of roleplaying should revolve around. Breaking Bad nails the evil side of humanity perfectly, Heisenberg, Gustavo Frings, Saul Goodman are all evil people without acting like complete d***** all the time. That is the type of writing I want around my evil characters, not rude-psychotic-mass-murdering evil.
I sorta agree that Fallout 4 doesn't allow you to be evil. And it's not that you can't commit evil deeds, is the lack of recognition of those from the gameworld and its characters. So for example, I can roleplay my character as a synth-hating bigot in my head all I want, and support the Brotherhood because I believe the only good synth is a dead synth, but Nick Valentine will still have nothing by praises for me after the BoS ending, and I won't have any dialog options to tell him he's an abomination. Also won't be able to shoot him in the head like a good BoS soldier should because he's essential.
So yeah, the game limits you pretty heavily there.
see, what many would call "evil" dialogue in an RPG, isn't really evil at all, its just being a rude jerk.. there is a big difference between being evil, and just being a jerk. a person can be a jerk, but still be a good person morally. likewise a person can be respectful to others they may talk to, and still be an evil person underneath.. being evil is dictated by actions, not how you choose talk to people.
I did. And even if one does believe that's somehow an 'evil' choice (which is ridiculous) all the characters still treat you as if your Christ the Savior.