Players abusing cross factions.
This is a myth, there is no cross faction communication in pvp. You do on the odd occasion get some who will use caps locks all the time in zone chat, but to be honest they are few and far between. Then there is the ignore button
I like pvp the way it has been done in TESO, yet I detest how its been done in games such as Rift, WoW, SWTOR and AOC etc. I hate battle arenas, tried them once and never stepped foot in another in any other mmo. As a person who takes part in both sides of the game pve and pvp I can say that we are not all that bad.
There is no penalty for dying in pvp to another player something which I don't like, as I would like to see full loot rights. I have to play with what the game gives me and so I am stuck with it. No death penalty to being killed by other players.
There is no reason to join the zerg a small group of players can still be effective in pvp and have fun. Also there is a lot of pve content in Cyrodiil.
The only way to get better at pvp is to take part and learn how to act and react to situations and try and read the field of battle. Once you can do this you can more or less predict where the enemy is going to go and what they are going to do.
In the end we are all different and like different things and I can respect that, just don't tar all of those who like pvp with the same brush because some of us don't scream and shout or make abusive remarks to other players. There have been many fights which I have won and lost 1v1 over the beta testing where I wish we could openly communicate because they would of got a "GF" from me. Or a simple o7.