1) No damage threshold – this is the equivalent of a tweak. It’s not that major and IMO on console it was poorly executed regarding switching between ammo types for different weapons in a pinch. If I’m being shot at, it’s a pain to hunt down a different kind of ammo. Don’t get me started on the labors of crafting – I think I have 1000s of plants, herbs, and random items.
Its alot more then a tweak.
2) No reputation System – yeah this was a good feature of the previous Fallouts. However, if you side with Caesar, pretty much ? of the map hates you and if you actually play as evil everyone does.
FO3 needed a reputation system. Think how stupid New Vegas would be if you sided with Legion and everyone liked you? Which is why FO3 svcks without it.
3) Wrong atmosphere – this is a face palm worthy critique. It’s just nonsensical. See my other comments above or re-title the game to AGE OF POST FALLOUT EMPIRES.
It is. Great War was 200 years ago not last week. No ones growing crops, no live trees other then Oasis, no economy, no real sign of progress at all. DC was not hit worse then the west.
5) Forced to help the BoS – You’re always “forced” to help someone. Who says the Enclave wanted your help in F03? As an evil character I sided with the BoS out of tactical thinking. I was “forced” to become Yes Man’s lackey in order to finish NV even though I didn’t give a crap about the outcome of the final battle.
FO1 and FO2 you can avoid the BoS altogether. New Vegas you can avoid them as well.
6) Enclave brought back after their destruction in FO2 and over done – They weren’t all vaporized and it is safe to assume that there were Enclave vaults on the East coast that Eden could have built upon. The region was hard hit so they could roll over any resistance. Did you have a problem with the BoS being in NV? You really think they would kill off a faction as popular as the Enclave?
There are more Enclave in FO3 then in FO2. New Vegas say only the diehards went East, the rest were killed on the rig or by the NCR and BoS. Many others just gave up. So why does FO3 have thousands?
7) Become God (maxed skills) very faced and forced to handicap my characters – play on very hard. With the DLC it should still be a challenge.
No real difference in stopping the God factor IMO.
8) No multiple Endings and therefore my actions have no meaning. – there were multiple endings in F03. I found them just as interesting as NV’s endings, and in NV I was treated to the endings of followers I never even met which made little sense. The endings of NV came off as check-the-box lists to me.
Fo3's multiple endings "He was good/bad, blah blah blah but in the end he did good/bad" Its the only Fallout with "endings" that passed judgment (because the whole game is Black and White) and I still did not know what happened to anyone.
It’s all just personal taste in the end, but the out-and-out hatred some people have for F03 seems to come from the fact that Bethesda “dared” to change the formula and that that change made it very, very successful. Jealousy.

New Vegas is far out selling FO3 so theirs something to be said for the original forumla. Also Bethesda was the overseer so they greenlighted the change back to the original formula.