Quote (you)
You said you didn't understand, so I spelled it out for you.
The relevance, ludicrous comparisons are made at present that Fallout3 is so similar to Oblivion, that it would likely be that the same people would have made the same ludicrous comparisons with Fallout2, had Oblivion been out prior to Fallout 2.
I hope you understand this time'cough', for I'm not going to spell it out again.
In a nut-shell, the same people would be making the same ludicrous comparisons, whatever order the games were.
Also it is now impossible to scavenge armor from corpses (in Fallout2)
was a reply to
Quote (you)
"all armors were not lootable in Fallout 1"
What you said doesn't fit.
Quote (you)
"And in "how does nonlootable armor not fit in" was about what I was talking about. How does it not fit in what I was talking about?"
Another thing to spell out it seems.
You were rambling on about the profound changes that Fallout3 made ... well they were made in Fallout2 as well. I gave an example and the WIKI list to show that such changes were indeed made.
They did happen, and many were indeed improvements, but the inability to scavenge armour had quite a big effect which many found to be to be negative, you may deny this, but we accepted it and got on with enjoying the game anyway.
The attitude of those who dislike the changes and improvements that Fallout3 made seem extreme, to say the least, resorting to insulting Bethesda by suggesting in effect that it is little more than a version of Oblivion.
Most people, if buying a game and finding that they made a mistake and it was not suitable for them, they would have taken the game back and exchanged it for another .. simple. But no, some people prefer to come on here belly-aching or insulting the game-maker, and some probably just trying to wind up the players.
Personally, I would have just exchanged a game that I didn't like, and wouldn't bother to go on their game forum and insult the game I didn't like. Why not try that?
It is ridiculous if you think that you are going to change my mind about the game and suddenly say, in effect that it is as you believe it to be. I like the game, period, my mind is not going to be changed into your mind-set by what I see as ludicrous arguments.
The rest of your post seems to be a bit of a ramble to me so I'll skip that.
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Pointless pissing contest. Taste is subjective.
Very true. I've been thinking that for more than a while ... I've suggested an alternative, but it's a bit late for them to make a game-exchange now ... and for them to go elsewhere.
I do get the urge to correct what I see as a load of crap being posted about the game. I shouldn't really care, but if nobody corrects them we could end up with undesirable changes being made to the game by a minority viewpoint, or changes to a future game, I wouldn‘t want to go back to anything like it was before, though at that time it really had a great ground-breaking game-play ... For that time. The game having now evolved into so much more.
So, Bethesda you are doing fine so far.
Having wondered before buying it if it would be up to the previous Fallouts. Once out of the vault and getting involved, it was an "Ah this is Fallout ok, big smile, and it's hard, early on anyway, another big smile, and with so many improvements, well just wow".
First time that I read on the forum "Oblivion with guns", the concept was completely foreign to me, they're just taking the piss, the thought never entered my mind. Strange to me how other peoples' minds work sometimes .. not having my rationality
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That's a point of view as well, to an extent.
If the overall feel of the game is along the lines of the previous game, then it is canon.
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Best suspend disbelief and enjoy the game.
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