Why do you pick your armour

Post » Mon May 06, 2013 5:29 am

My first poll. :)

Main Quest....ions in the poll.

Side Quest....ions-

What is your favourite armour (PC armour mods included)

What weapon set do you use. (PC weapon mods included)

My answers-

I wear armour that suits my character. My favourite armour is Nordic carved.

I use Nordic weapons.
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:38 pm

Wear armour that suits my character (also for vanity sake).

Fav armour is a mix of the regular Steel and Ancient Nord armours. On males I'll use the ancient nord helm as well as the boots, females only the boots cause the helm looks meh. My current char will eventually be getting Stalhrim chest piece and gloves. :)

Fav weapons, Skyforge Steel or Nordic Carved. :D

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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 4:17 am

I use apparel that suits my character/roleplay. For instance, one of my characters wears Miraak's robes. The Last Dragonborn consumes The first's soul and thus assumes his identity. He's also loyal to Hermaues Mora and the robes is perfect for a champion of Mora.

That and I really like the outfit. :D

And dat sword.


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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:51 pm

I wear armor that looks cool. "Light" ebony with a hood instead of helmet.
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 2:32 am

Probably I wear armor that suits my characters, although my Stormcloak character got to elven and never let go of it for some strange reason. She has her set with a few handy enchantments, has never really improved it as much as she could, but does just fine. My imperial character treed just about everything, but is currently running around in the Deathbrand set trying out dual wielding some fancy swords. One hopeless Orc character takes what ever has the best protection, since he is a bit fragile and dies easy. the lowest level character is a khajiit and is slightly confused about what she wants to wear, but will probably end up with fur or leather, or a mix of the two.

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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:43 pm

I use apparel / armor that fits and suits my character, my personal preferences have nothing do with it - I don't even have a favorite armor. My current character prefers light armor in which he feels nimble and agile. He doesn't wear any piece of heavy armor and never will, no matter how high AR or other protection it offers. So I vote for the 1st option.

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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 4:32 am

It's all about the look. I mix and match heavy, light and clothing.

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Davorah Katz
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:49 pm

I also choose armor that suits my character.

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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 5:55 am

I choose armour that suits my character and since he is a deluded warrior he thinks he is King of the Daedra which is why he has a Daedric Helm merged with the Jagged Crown

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Nathan Risch
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 5:34 am

I always wear the equipment that looks cool on my character, stats be damned. I voted the first option, however this isn't limited to armors only.

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Eliza Potter
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 2:04 am

I wear armor that suits my character. Hmm... my favorite armor set this far is probably Dragon scale armor, boots and gloves with archery enchants and Ancient Shrouded Cowl. It looks sooooooo badass!!

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:48 pm

I don't favor the Dragon Armor at all. It looks like something form the Flinstones. Some of the weapons are cool, but the armor is rather ridiculous.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:09 pm

To keep my balls warm.

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Louise Andrew
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 5:40 am

I wear armour that suits
my characters. Each of my characters have their own favorites.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 4:41 am

I don't like the poll because I have two things: Looks and to see if it fits character.

Looks is the important thing. I wear only stuff that looks good on my character, screw armor rating. BUT it it limited by my character and his/her style. As a rule, I never wear armors specific to other races. My Nords won't use Elven equipment and my Altmer won't use Ancient Nord, Nordic Carved or any of the Dunmer armors of Dragonborn.

Sometimes I wear clothes and armor for RP reasons. My Nord emulates Ysgramor to the best of his ability and thus he uses only, ONLY Ancient Nord stuff, even arrows (Nord Hero Arrows, thank goodness for mods). He refuses to use anything else. My Altmer mage on the other hand uses Thalmor robes (personal, modded versions thereof) because it's part of his RP.

My favorite armor in the game is definitely Ancient Nord + Helm of Yngol. On males, I don't like the female version because of lack of torso part of the armor (instead I get these two strips of rags - most unpractical armor ever). Thalmor robes look awesome as well but due to their Thalmor nature they see very little use with my characters. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/6085-1-1327743215.jpg I like as well.

My favorite shield is Banded Iron. I use no other shield, ever, even my Nord Ysgramor-wannabe used Banded Iron before moving to two-handed weapons, because Shield of Ysgramor looks ridiculous as hell and clips through the character's feet.

Needless to say that my RPs depend heavily on the equipment they require.

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Soraya Davy
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 3:25 am

i go for looks mostly, as with 300 armor i can survive most random fights so armor rating isn't an issue.

I really like the look of thieves guild armor, with the brotherhood gloves and boots for practicality.

On the heavy armor side i really like steel plate, it looks like something a hero would wear.

My main character used to run around in nordic hero armor, although since dawnguard came out i can't pass up the heavy dawnguard set. It also has the coolest helmet imo, and one of the few ones i like running around with

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My blood
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:37 pm

I go for looks. Nordic Carved makes me look like the most badass Storm-Cloak ever. VERY appropriate.

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David Chambers
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 12:54 am

My characters pick the armour, clothing and/or robes that they wear. Since switching to PC and installing the Frostfall mod, my characters now often carry a number of suits of armour - warm armour for alpine regions and their armour of choice for warmer climates.

My favourite armour set is ... I never really know what to answer. I think I'll go with Chitin - I really love it's design. A bit different, but not totally alien. The weapon set my character is currently using is the JaySuS Sword mod. He's been using the Smallswoed for quite some time, but has recently found and switched to Gujnar (spelling?). I love how thin and elegant the swords are; they really fit my character and his fighting style.
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Brian Newman
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:17 pm

I wear what suits my character (be it armor, robes, clothes or a combination). I really can't pick a favorite, it depends on so many things.

Female Breton warrior, level 20-something, favors a sort of barbarian/fur/leather look, is currently wearing:
In battle - fur armor, either the clad version without sleeves, or the bikini version with a fur over the shoulders, depending on climate.
In town/at home - barkeeper's clothes or tavern clothes
When she wants to look fancy - Ranger dress, a modded dress which basically is the wedding dress with other colors and a low armor rating
In bed - blur robes
She also has a padded fur hood and a wolf skin cloak (from Immersive Armors and Winter Is Coming respectively) for colder climates.

Male Imperial thief, level 40-something, likes to look classy, intimidating and cool, is currently wearing:
In battle - vagabond dusk armor (from Immersive Armors).
On Thieves Guild jobs - TG armor
In town - Regal Assassin armor, clothes version (mod)
At home - ordinary clothes, the ones that are sort of a brown vest over a short-sleeved shirt.
For cold weather - a padded fur hood and a ornate bear skin cloak.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 6:01 am

A combination of what looks good and what fits with the character I am playing at the time.

My Nord barbarians wear nothing but boots, of course.

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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:27 pm

I wear Daedric armor, because it has the highest armor rating and suits my character, but there wasn't an option to vote for both of those. I like the demonic look of it, and the fact that it's being used for selfless, noble purposes rather than for the activities that its creators usually had in mind for it.
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 3:37 am

Tried master for the first time yesterday moving up from expert. Things were obviously tougher than usual so in Riverwood i decided i should craft myself some leather armour instead of using my usual scavenged fur armour as i kinda thought i would need as much protection as possible on this difficulty. So i crafted some leather armour, tried it on, then procceded to unequip it and drop it from my inventory in disgust, it looked hideous. Sure Leather armour has better protection but it made my character look retarted with that frisby sticking out of my shoulder, back to badass fur armour it was then.

Just one example of my preference to wear armour that i think looks good on my character's instead of protection.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:06 pm

My character wears Dragon Scale armor because he takes a lot of pride in being dragonborn, but before he could get his hand on such armors he would wear the best light armor he could craft as long as it wasn`t elven or glass.

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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:40 pm

Because it suits my character. Even if I make a Dunmer and a Nord who are identical in playstyle, for example, I will use different armor. Say a Nord and Dunmer warrior; the Nord will most likely wear Steel Plate and the Dunmer Bonemold.

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casey macmillan
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:29 pm

I go for looks. Level 41.

Fur Armor, Forsworn Gauntlets, Vampire Boots. Switches between Adept Hood when it's raining, or a circlet or nothing.

Ebony Bow. Dawnbreaker. Very, very squishy at melee range. You have a 80% chance of killing my character up close. So that's why you never close. And if you do, then she's really good at running away.

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