» Fri May 04, 2012 6:18 am
I am a male, but every once in a while I like to play a female character. Normally this is just because I get a character idea in my head and it locks in as a female character. Case in point, my current character Drusilla Darkbourne (mage/thief, recent vampire convert). I really wanted to play a vampire, but I just cannot play a male vampire. They just never seem right in my head (creepy, ugly, nasty, whatever). But a female vampire works for me. Thief characters can be either. Mage as well. Fighters tend to male for me. This only applies to my player character. Female fighter NPCs are great and they are the ones I use as followers most often (depending on the situation). Anyway, as far as the skimpy armor/clothing issue (I am not restarting previous arguments, just an altenative view) - for this vampire character, I wanted to try it (CBBE curvy, Killer Keos Skimpy Armors, ApachiiSkyHair, Better Faces By Bella). I wanted the stereotyped vampire Vamp look - large chest, skimpy outfits, etc. My next character will a Khajit (resurrecting an earlier pre-mod character called Jaz'Rhokir), so I'll turn off the CBBE/Skimpy Armors/ASH (although I'll keep the Bella's using the non-makeup version - I like the look).