Why you should consider starting with a CHA of at least 6

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:56 am

All information presented here is taken directly from the E3 presentation that can be watched here...
...and here are my points:

1. The player imediately walks up to a workbench (that has no perk requisite), activates it, and it opens up a menu to build from four catagories; Structures, Furniture, Decorations, and something else that I can't make out. The player turns and glances over another workbench that requires at least one Rank in Local Leader (more on this later, just remember this), and then the player proceeds to gather items to craft with including scrapping an entire house.

2. The player then builds structures that he built from the materials he gathered and built using the workbench (no requisite).

3. Here's where it gets interesting. The player now places a bed that has a requisite of at least one rank of Local Legend. Chair; no requisite. Cabinet; no requisite. Magazine Rack; no requisite. Bramin Head; no requisite. Even the Bobble Head Stand has no requisite. Nothing else has a requisite but the bed. Heck, even the doghouse doesn't have a requsite. Why is that? Why the Bed of all things?

4. The player then goes to set a trader store, and guess what? It's got a requisite of rank 3 in Local Leader. Huh. Then it shows a built store with someone tending it (fun note, the unbuilt shop's sign says "STORE" while the built shop's sign says "BAR").

5. Planting food has a requisite of at least one rank in Local Leader. Then it shows someone tending it. Hmm.

6. Water does not have a requisite.

7. Later on the player builds a Guard Post and it has a requisite of at least one rank in Local Leader, and then it shows someone tending it. Ahh, I think I'm starting to get it.

Bed's have a requisite, because you'll actually asign each person in your camp their own bed, this is awesome, because this means no worries about coming home to find someone sleeping in your bed. Stll, there's a downside, and that is you can't do anything regarding building a settlement with others without at least one rank in Local Leader, which requires a level 6 in Charisma.

Now, as to why you will want to start with at least a level 6 in Charisma, I believe firmly you will run into your first opportunity to build right out of the vault, because that community will be what remains of the town you orginally lived in. Dogmeat is the first compainion you meet, and you meet him in the garage that will ultimately be the place you hang your powerarmor. At the begining of this video, when the player glances over the workbench that requires at least one rank of Local Legend, you can clearly see the crane that will hold your power armor. If you want, please take a moment to look at this video of the town before detonation and compair the buildings post detonation. They look very simular to me.

...compaired to...

So, if you're interested in building a community, then you should start the game with at least a Charisma of 6.

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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:35 pm

I imagine pumping a stat is something you can do pretty quickly if you make it a priority, at least early on when you level quickly.

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Lori Joe
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:16 am

Thats some decent advise. Personally I will be waiting a bit before I settle down and start building. God, thinking of it now, setlement building is just one thing on the pile of things I want to do let alone the things I want to try and find out within my first few hours of play on release

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:52 am

Yeah if you really wanted to be 100% for settlements off the bat it would be easy. 6 in Charisma to start, first three perk points to local leader

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Kelly James
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:31 am

I cant imagine that having a Charisma score of 6 is mandatory to build your own personal hide away.

Other than that Level 3 in Local Leader is not going to be attainable in the early levels. More likely you would need to be level 20 or higher to get that.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:20 am

Actually I'm pretty sure the purpose of Local Leader has been changed since the E3 footage. In the Character and Perk Chart demo footage, they go over Local Leader - and it only had two ranks, and the description was oriented towards setting up trade routes between your settlements.

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emma sweeney
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:23 am

Meh, I don't need a settlement with other people right out of the vault. I'll start with making myself a little hovel, and at some point later in the game I'll think about ranking up my Charisma to get to the Local Leader perk. I plan to begin with a pretty low Charisma so I can focus on other stats like Perception and Intelligence. My character will be a typical mechanical engineer--technically minded, and slightly anti-social (many engineers tend to lean a bit towards the autistic spectrum).

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Brandi Norton
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:02 am

Completely forgot about level requirements haha you are right. Besides, the gameplay footage was a Toddmode made demo where he could do/have anything right off the bat

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Maddy Paul
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:55 am

You are actually wrong about 1 thing in particular... the first companion you meet is NOT dogmeat...in fact the first companion you meet is codsworth at your home right down the road from the vault.. dogmeat is at the gas station a little past your home.
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:56 pm

You're right, you can totally build yourself a home, but if you want a settlement you will need a CHA of at least 6 and at least one perk in Local Legend.

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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:30 am

Oh I hope so, don't want to have to dump a whole bunch of points into CHA just to build my own player house.

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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:33 am

This my secondary reason for starting with high charisma. I'm secretly hoping F4 will have unique dialogue options for charisma users.
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:56 am

I'm also I huge fan of talking options, and I've full faith there will be CHA percentages as well as specific options depending on skill/SPECIAL.

Also, you never know, perhaps even your companion could tip the scales. For example, talking to a child could tip it in your favor if you've Dogmeat in your party.

"OOOOO, PUPPY! What was it you wanted to know? Oh, the vault, yeah! It's over there, you can get in from jumping down that hole, but I wouldn't if I were you, I hear there's scary things in there."

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Lucie H
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:31 pm

That would be a very interesting way of handling NPC interaction. I'd also like the opposite to happen though. Say a NPC doesn't like the companion you're with, be it for any reason, they could get irate or upset and refuse to help you. This could definitely add some depth to the faction ecosystem as well.
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Ian White
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:21 pm

*same kid*
"Yeah, you seem...okay...but that guy your with...smells funny...kinda like graqes."

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Josee Leach
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:39 am

It seems highly unlikely that you'll need to invest that many points to create a barebones settlement.

That or the CHA portion is entirely a different direction; having an INT of x will allow you to build turrets, traps and other science-y stuff, and while both settlements could be very large, you won't have access to vendors like a character with a high CHA character would.

On the other hand the CHA character won't have the cool defense turrets and whatever else high INT includes.

Ideally more than a few stats have ties to getting settlement goodies. It's clear charisma is tuned around attracting more people and turning it into a town.

Will high strength or endurance or intelligence allow it to take another route and turn into an impenetrable fortress? Or high tech enclave filled with crafting stuff and fancy lighting set ups like we saw in the demo.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:48 am

So it takes a rank of "local leader" to build ourselves a bed?
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:25 am

Joke's on you. My character will have a high intelligence and charisma.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:26 am


The bed is for your citizens to sleep in.. perhaps youll have your own personal bed that is marked separately from the public beds.

And i also plan on having a 10 Int and 10 charisma scientist character.. focused on building a giant fortress/town with high tech equipment and with a remarkable 75% safety rating (thats good in the wasteland ;D)
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:40 am

Please don't take my word for it. Please take a moment to view the video and you can clearly see for yourself it takes at least a rank 1 in Local Leader to set a bed.

Building a bed is another story.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:19 am

I hope so. If I'm playing a low charisma character and can't make a bed I can sleep in, I will be sorely disappointed!
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:40 am

If you're playing a low CHA, then you won't have to worry about other people, because there won't be any.

edit: sorry, you meant making a bed. This I'm not sure about. They may give you they option to make a bed that is only availible to you. They probably will,

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Lauren Dale
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:38 am

I should point out that the icon next to the Bed requirement is not a perk. It's a settlement resource: People, you can see the exact same icon in the upper-left of the screen in the E3 video.

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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:29 am

Actually, it depends on what route you travel. You can pick up Piper before you meet Dogmeat or Codsworth.

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sara OMAR
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:48 pm

I think you both are right.

I think you'll meet both soon after the other and will choose between the two.

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