All information presented here is taken directly from the E3 presentation that can be watched here...
...and here are my points:
1. The player imediately walks up to a workbench (that has no perk requisite), activates it, and it opens up a menu to build from four catagories; Structures, Furniture, Decorations, and something else that I can't make out. The player turns and glances over another workbench that requires at least one Rank in Local Leader (more on this later, just remember this), and then the player proceeds to gather items to craft with including scrapping an entire house.
2. The player then builds structures that he built from the materials he gathered and built using the workbench (no requisite).
3. Here's where it gets interesting. The player now places a bed that has a requisite of at least one rank of Local Legend. Chair; no requisite. Cabinet; no requisite. Magazine Rack; no requisite. Bramin Head; no requisite. Even the Bobble Head Stand has no requisite. Nothing else has a requisite but the bed. Heck, even the doghouse doesn't have a requsite. Why is that? Why the Bed of all things?
4. The player then goes to set a trader store, and guess what? It's got a requisite of rank 3 in Local Leader. Huh. Then it shows a built store with someone tending it (fun note, the unbuilt shop's sign says "STORE" while the built shop's sign says "BAR").
5. Planting food has a requisite of at least one rank in Local Leader. Then it shows someone tending it. Hmm.
6. Water does not have a requisite.
7. Later on the player builds a Guard Post and it has a requisite of at least one rank in Local Leader, and then it shows someone tending it. Ahh, I think I'm starting to get it.
Bed's have a requisite, because you'll actually asign each person in your camp their own bed, this is awesome, because this means no worries about coming home to find someone sleeping in your bed. Stll, there's a downside, and that is you can't do anything regarding building a settlement with others without at least one rank in Local Leader, which requires a level 6 in Charisma.
Now, as to why you will want to start with at least a level 6 in Charisma, I believe firmly you will run into your first opportunity to build right out of the vault, because that community will be what remains of the town you orginally lived in. Dogmeat is the first compainion you meet, and you meet him in the garage that will ultimately be the place you hang your powerarmor. At the begining of this video, when the player glances over the workbench that requires at least one rank of Local Legend, you can clearly see the crane that will hold your power armor. If you want, please take a moment to look at this video of the town before detonation and compair the buildings post detonation. They look very simular to me.
...compaired to...
So, if you're interested in building a community, then you should start the game with at least a Charisma of 6.