I can also understand that people like different things. Some might like that there are only 3 stats: stamina, health and magica. Some people might even like the UI, and how your statistics carry weight, magica, stamina, health, armor value, attack powers are all in different places. That does not mean I have to like it.
Other complaints:
- Short faction quest lines
- Faction leaders should be stronger instead they feel like random people.
- Companions seem to like blocking doorways
- Companions get stucks on stuff in dungeons
- Dragons are too easy
- Enemies difficulty varies too much. In same dungeon same kind of enemy might either die from on hit or from 20 hits. Seems bit random.
- Blacksmithing / Enchanting is too easy to level up
- Magic does not scale according to skill level
- Werewolfs take too much damage / Transformation takes too long (impossible to use while in combat or you are dead)
- Some textures are bad. They are bad if you take a closer look.
- Character animation and faces are bad. There is not that much difference between faces from Oblivion and faces from Skyrim (Argonians look pretty good. Everything else is bad and ugly).
- Some skill / perk trees are useless: Mainly Lockpicking. Lockpicking is too easy even without perks.
- PC UI and mouse. Selecting an option with mouse is bad.
- World levels up with you. There are no dangerous places (with few exceptions. Giants and some other mobs are hard at lower levels). I agree that main quest and some places should be level dependant, but not all places. There should be areas you can not go before level 50 or so on.
- You can pickpocket from your trainers. I feel this to be cheating.
- Some shouts / thuums become weak at higher levels. Shouts should be stronger at higher levels. Currently they are not.
So if I say the game is not perfect, and there are several ways to fix it, what are you going to do about it?