Why you should not criticise this game?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:20 pm

Why are people bothered by others who criticise this game? In my opinion the game is far from perfect, and if you want a better game criticism is necessary.

I can also understand that people like different things. Some might like that there are only 3 stats: stamina, health and magica. Some people might even like the UI, and how your statistics carry weight, magica, stamina, health, armor value, attack powers are all in different places. That does not mean I have to like it.

Other complaints:
- Short faction quest lines
- Faction leaders should be stronger instead they feel like random people.
- Companions seem to like blocking doorways
- Companions get stucks on stuff in dungeons
- Dragons are too easy
- Enemies difficulty varies too much. In same dungeon same kind of enemy might either die from on hit or from 20 hits. Seems bit random.
- Blacksmithing / Enchanting is too easy to level up
- Magic does not scale according to skill level
- Werewolfs take too much damage / Transformation takes too long (impossible to use while in combat or you are dead)
- Some textures are bad. They are bad if you take a closer look.
- Character animation and faces are bad. There is not that much difference between faces from Oblivion and faces from Skyrim (Argonians look pretty good. Everything else is bad and ugly).
- Some skill / perk trees are useless: Mainly Lockpicking. Lockpicking is too easy even without perks.
- PC UI and mouse. Selecting an option with mouse is bad.
- World levels up with you. There are no dangerous places (with few exceptions. Giants and some other mobs are hard at lower levels). I agree that main quest and some places should be level dependant, but not all places. There should be areas you can not go before level 50 or so on.
- You can pickpocket from your trainers. I feel this to be cheating.
- Some shouts / thuums become weak at higher levels. Shouts should be stronger at higher levels. Currently they are not.

So if I say the game is not perfect, and there are several ways to fix it, what are you going to do about it?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:29 am

Since that falls under the "constructive criticism" part of the forum rules, there is nothing anyone should do about it. The devs actually want criticism like that. The non-specific "this part of the game I don't like svcks big time and you should fix it" doesn't really tell them much, like why you think it svcks and how it could be fixed. Most of the time, besides flames and spam, the reason rant threads get closed is because of that; people are venting, but not really doing any constructive criticism that could be looked at to make the game better.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:09 pm

I agree with everything save for these two complaints:

-'The world levels with you'. It's called scaling and it's been one of the signatures of the Elders Scrolls series so far. It is a legitimate and viable system in RPG's. If it doesn't suit you, perhaps you should consider playing another game.

-'The faces are ugly'. No, they're not.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:24 am

For me, the game is FUN. It's fantastic. Can't see a reason why people are complaining. I'm lvl 18 and still finding myself excited with every bit of Skyrim.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:54 pm

So if I say the game is not perfect, and there are several ways to fix it, what are you going to do about it?

Nothing. 'Cause it's your opinion. Just so happens I have one of my own and it differs dramatically. I have a bigger problem with the "critics" that state opinions as if they're facts. Amusing yeah, but also irritating.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:09 pm

For me, the game is FUN. It's fantastic. Can't see a reason why people are complaining. I'm lvl 18 and still finding myself excited with every bit of Skyrim.

Lol i do so on lvl 42 with 105 hours played :P

But to the thread: Why shouldn't anyone criticise any game? A good example is Morrowind. If anyone says anything bad about it (and there is a lot to say) then half of this forum jumps on that person that how Morrowind is the most awesome game ever... What a joke.

I'd say, criticise any game you want, but keep the critic in the constructive side.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:52 pm

Why are people bothered by others who criticise this game? In my opinion the game is far from perfect, and if you want a better game criticism is necessary.

Because game forums are always filled with fan-boys, who consider any criticism of a game as a personnal attack. It's ubiquitious to every single gaming forum in the world, regardless of the game's quality (even admitted failures have always had a hordes of ravenous blind defenders using the exact same arguments you can see repeated here and everywhere else).
Fan-boyism is one of the bane of gaming.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:10 am

Lol another "objective" criticism on a level of "I don't like faces" and "please stop me from powerleveling with smithing/enchanting because I can't overcome my WoW syndrome myself".
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:41 am

i agree the games not perfect there are some things that are down right annoying about it but that said its still an awesome game..
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brandon frier
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:58 am

So now you're complaining about the people that complain about the people that complain about the game?

Seriously though, not all complaints bother me. Some do usually because of the way people present them, in an overly emotional way, too angry to make what you're calling "constructive criticism". I also have complaints, like everyone, but I acknowledge the amazing achievement this game is.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:55 am

Nothing wrong with "constructive criticism" although that can be subjective.

The problem lies with the polar extremes i.e.

-zealot fans who feel there is 0% wrong with the game and attack anyone who complains about after killing

30 dragons it becomes a bit redundant.

- The "never satisfied" who complain no matter what. If the game was perfect, the company gave them the game for free

plus $1,000.00 AND if the game magically wiped their butt they would still find something to complain about.

Somewhere between the polar extremes lies complaints and smart ideas to innovate the game...

There is no perfect game and there is always room for improvement but many people get hooked on imperfect games and play for 100's of enjoyable hours.

In the end take some criticisms and consider them....other criticisms should be taken with a grain of salt.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:20 pm

I am all for costructive critisism but people need to separate actual critisisms with "i just dont like it that way"
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Trista Jim
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:47 am

I find the scaling much better done than in Oblivion, and I absolutely loathe scaling (and hydrangeas).

I accidentally went into the wrong cave to do a quest at level 13, and a Dargoth Deathlord was able to one shot me. I reloaded and tried again about 8 times, finally getting him dead after a hellish battle using every potion in my inventory. And he had an ebony bow among other phat lewtz, which no one in the game would sell to me at this point.

That's pretty cool and I'm glad stuff like that is in the game, areas that are super hard and where you shouldn't be going (as long as they are optional) but reward you if you succeed. I think both the scaling and non-scaling fans can agree that kind of encounter is cool. In optional content. The Main Quest lines should scale.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:31 am

The faces are GREAT leave them alone :D
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:23 pm

What you generally will find is if you don't like something in a game and you are on their forums if you don't have a 30 page thesis to back up your complaints you are just a whiner, on the other hand if you like it you can just say oh this is awesome and everyone will be fine with that. If compliments were held to the same standard as criticisms I'd have no issue with the people who tear into the complainers for complaining. I doubt very many people here are professional reviewers so I have no idea why we expect any level of detailed anolysis on complaints. A simple X is happening and I think it svcks is good enough for me. It isn't hard to piece together the reasons, and I can agree or disagree but I have no issue with them complaining or saying it is awesome.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:35 pm

The faces are GREAT leave them alone :D

The noses look off, maybe I need to be on ultra of something, but the tips of all the noses have some weird wavy wrinkle. Other than that I don't have much in the way of problems with the faces outside of the aesthetic choices which are opinion based.
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:49 am

The noses look off, maybe I need to be on ultra of something, but the tips of all the noses have some weird wavy wrinkle. Other than that I don't have much in the way of problems with the faces outside of the aesthetic choices which are opinion based.

A mod already fixed that issue.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:37 pm

A mod already fixed that issue.

Well damn that was fast. I really should check out the mods more often.
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