» Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:06 am
There you go you said it your self.
"It was made on all 3 platforms AT THE SAME TIME."
Console Port.
It doesn't matter if it was made for console before the PC or with the PC.
If they don't make it for the PC first and for the PC alone, its a console port my friend. It just the engine thats porting it.
DX11 is more than just adding better textures. If the engine work like they advertised it "Simultaneously" the PC version would be fine. Its just a gimmick, a trick an illusion. You bought into it.
It's not a gimmick, it's a feature, and it's a feature mainly to attract other game devs, not gamers.
Now go read my definition of a port. I made it simple.
Then read this users post. He explains how it's not a port and that by making a game simultaneously=/=port. Because if that were true, according to you, then the game would be a PC port to consoles >_>
This is not a port. Like what was said a port is rewriting the code to run on another platform.
As for parrallel development that would say your developing multiple code at the same time. Multiplatform games like this are developed as one code that code then has to go through API and special classes to have it run on a specific platform. The code has restrictions and contraints to meet requirements for limiting factors on any of the platforms used, so yes having planned it to run on consoles has limited the capabilities. As for DX even if the engine can run DX11 doesn't mean the dx11 elements were added to the original code/resources, and since it is PC specific it makes sense that its going to be added seperately (though it should of been added at launch, but clearly this game was falling behind in development)
As for DX11- seriously Why is this so crucial to so many, I rather have a game that runs better with true PC features/controls than graphics. If DX11 is the next major patch for this game then congrats PC users went from an ok looking mediocre game to a Great looking mediocre game. Seriously this many ppl are buying games just for the way they look?
Personally I am more concerned with the real issues of having it designed around consoles has given us. Limitations to mainly such as, the true use of the keyboard (too many functions sharing the same keys- zoom/melee really?- stuck using 1 bind per function- not as many functions in general), lost lean, limited size of maps, limited size of MP, lost run (not just speed boost), lost being able to actually set power mode (was useful for melee, long range shooting to steady the gun not just for running/jumping), things like picking up the dead to use as weapons/shields, use of vehicles in MP and im sure I have missed a few others. The list above isn't bugs/balance/graphics features that can be patched and updated these are Gameplay features that generally you never see a company add later on unless it was an expansion that would cost more just to finish the product.
A PC is originally the Tool in which game developers code a game on any system. The tool aspect of it is not to be confused with the gaming aspect of the PC.
The Software tool in this case is Cry Engine 3.
Now those arguing that it is not a console port are basically saying this because Cry Engine 3 Codes for all three at the same time? Correct?
Now granted this is true this doesn't take away from the fact the PC version is missing some very important PC features and has a lot of console like features (Most have been said so won't go through the list). With this in mind regardless of whether you think its a console port or not and regardless of which is true the PC version is seriously lacking in the graphics department and bug department. This can not be denied.
The majority who are saying its a console port aren't arguing on how it was coded but are arguing that it has not met the PC expectations, at least not yet.
Do we understand each other now?
By definition it is not a port. It's a pc game but does of have all the pc features? No. This I understand and have known since day 1 of release. Of course I am anticipating the pc features implemented through the future updates to come.
But this current lack that is soon to be fixed does not point to the game being a port. This is what I am trying to get people to understand. Many many people don't actually know about how the engine works or the actual definition of port.