Why you should support Crytek

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:18 pm

A port means taking something designed with the constraints of consoles and putting it on PC with minimal adjustments, testing, and debugging beforehand. I don't care how CryEngine 3 encapsulates and abstracts the development. The fact that it was on a console constrained the development of the PC version, and as far as I can tell, NO effort was made to push the PC version further along after they got done with the consoles. That is the very definition of port.
Lol No it doesn't.
The OP pretty much owned.

Thank you :)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:02 pm

Btw guys for the last three posts not including this I typed of my phone. I apologize for any grammatical mistakes I have made. I'll further refurnish my points on mycomputer when I get a chance I can't really type in detail so well but I'm trying lol
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Angel Torres
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:49 am

why dont you and adam get a room and svck each other off?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:02 am

A port means taking something designed with the constraints of consoles and putting it on PC with minimal adjustments, testing, and debugging beforehand. I don't care how CryEngine 3 encapsulates and abstracts the development. The fact that it was on a console constrained the development of the PC version, and as far as I can tell, NO effort was made to push the PC version further along after they got done with the consoles. That is the very definition of port.
Lol No it doesn't.
The OP pretty much owned.

Thank you :)

I would agree here as well. I could tell from 10 min or less of playing that its incomplete.
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:06 am

There you go you said it your self.

"It was made on all 3 platforms AT THE SAME TIME."

Console Port.

It doesn't matter if it was made for console before the PC or with the PC.

If they don't make it for the PC first and for the PC alone, its a console port my friend. It just the engine thats porting it.

DX11 is more than just adding better textures. If the engine work like they advertised it "Simultaneously" the PC version would be fine. Its just a gimmick, a trick an illusion. You bought into it.

It's not a gimmick, it's a feature, and it's a feature mainly to attract other game devs, not gamers.

Now go read my definition of a port. I made it simple.

Then read this users post. He explains how it's not a port and that by making a game simultaneously=/=port. Because if that were true, according to you, then the game would be a PC port to consoles >_>

This is not a port. Like what was said a port is rewriting the code to run on another platform.

As for parrallel development that would say your developing multiple code at the same time. Multiplatform games like this are developed as one code that code then has to go through API and special classes to have it run on a specific platform. The code has restrictions and contraints to meet requirements for limiting factors on any of the platforms used, so yes having planned it to run on consoles has limited the capabilities. As for DX even if the engine can run DX11 doesn't mean the dx11 elements were added to the original code/resources, and since it is PC specific it makes sense that its going to be added seperately (though it should of been added at launch, but clearly this game was falling behind in development)

As for DX11- seriously Why is this so crucial to so many, I rather have a game that runs better with true PC features/controls than graphics. If DX11 is the next major patch for this game then congrats PC users went from an ok looking mediocre game to a Great looking mediocre game. Seriously this many ppl are buying games just for the way they look?

Personally I am more concerned with the real issues of having it designed around consoles has given us. Limitations to mainly such as, the true use of the keyboard (too many functions sharing the same keys- zoom/melee really?- stuck using 1 bind per function- not as many functions in general), lost lean, limited size of maps, limited size of MP, lost run (not just speed boost), lost being able to actually set power mode (was useful for melee, long range shooting to steady the gun not just for running/jumping), things like picking up the dead to use as weapons/shields, use of vehicles in MP and im sure I have missed a few others. The list above isn't bugs/balance/graphics features that can be patched and updated these are Gameplay features that generally you never see a company add later on unless it was an expansion that would cost more just to finish the product.

A PC is originally the Tool in which game developers code a game on any system. The tool aspect of it is not to be confused with the gaming aspect of the PC.

The Software tool in this case is Cry Engine 3.

Now those arguing that it is not a console port are basically saying this because Cry Engine 3 Codes for all three at the same time? Correct?

Now granted this is true this doesn't take away from the fact the PC version is missing some very important PC features and has a lot of console like features (Most have been said so won't go through the list). With this in mind regardless of whether you think its a console port or not and regardless of which is true the PC version is seriously lacking in the graphics department and bug department. This can not be denied.

The majority who are saying its a console port aren't arguing on how it was coded but are arguing that it has not met the PC expectations, at least not yet.

Do we understand each other now?

By definition it is not a port. It's a pc game but does of have all the pc features? No. This I understand and have known since day 1 of release. Of course I am anticipating the pc features implemented through the future updates to come.

But this current lack that is soon to be fixed does not point to the game being a port. This is what I am trying to get people to understand. Many many people don't actually know about how the engine works or the actual definition of port.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:44 am

seriously man if you keep tellin yourself its a pc game first you might believe it. I sure dont. If it was a pc game than why is single player not freeroam like crysis 1? or even close to freeroam as farcry was in its days? Dude ff 13 has more free roam.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:19 am

seroiusly we are gana go down to the definition of porting? why not just point out the obvious. GAME HAS MINIMUM FREE ROAM. WHY??? because ram on consoles is jack **** compared to what you can put into a pc. What i dont understand they should have made the game like oblivion. Like how trees pop up like 5 ft in front of your player on the console and on pc you could see for days! Go crytec, why doesnt your devo team just come over sometime and wipe your ass on my pc after **** on it
crysis 2 is like matrix 3 killed the trilogy. Dont come out with cryis 3 please cause you guys obviously cant top crysis 1 and are working backwards
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:56 am

@ silentphenomed

weren't you the one posting all that bs about how the demo was just a port and the final game would be so great and be everything pc players would want? just give it a rest already. people have a right to be pissed at crytek. congratulations for your blind and determined faith, but those of us who really loved crysis have been screwed with this "sequel". crytek used to make games that pushed the boundaries, didn't adhere only to what was popular. now they just made a game for the money. now we get a dumbed down game that doesn't even work for a lot of people.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:38 am

I cant let you have all the fun.

Please for a damn moment will you think. The game and more than likely the engine are incomplete. This is because of EAs aggressive schedules making Crytek work like mad to get the game in a playable state for the release. And yes of course the consoles are completed but then they dont ask, want, or need what we do in the PC field. Crytek is trying to do what they couldn't before the launch now that they aren't time constrained. Let them do what EA wouldn't and finish what they started. The fact is is that everyone is acting way to arrogant because something wasn't perfect or wasn't finished. We just have to wait and let them get us what they promised in a form that will be complete and not rushed. I for one value quality over quantity and it that means I have to wait, well you get the point.

More and more games are being released as if they are port this is true, but why could this be? Well publishers don't know about developing a game and that it can take time. If I may I would like to compare this to Windows Vista. Vista was pushed out way too early and as a result suffered. People went and called it a step backwards and then came the Mojave experiment. This was where they took Vista in its fixed state to critics with the logos in the os and on the box change so the critics wouldn't know. As a result the critics tried Mojave and when they said they liked it they were told it was vista. Now I don't see them pulling something like that but it shows that if you wait you will be provided for and all your opinions as of now are made our of anger and emotion. They then fixed and changed how they did their development and testing with the release of Windows 7. They learned from what happened and improved because of it. This is the same kind of situation.

Now please just wait for the quality features to be produced and finalized or do you want some POS feature like what BC2 has that cant utilize the GPU correctly?
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:29 am

I can't believe you're trying to convince me this is okay. Smash your PC with a hammer you don't **** deserve it OP.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:53 am

The thing that aggravates people more than the fact the game isn't complete is the fact that they are not willing to release any sort of information on the situation and admit what has happen under the overwhelming evidence of a non-polished game that has failed to meet the expectations of a significant proportion of the people who has brought the game, and to tell us what they are doing to alleviate this in this time. This alone would account for a good fraction of people who would be willing to understand the situation and to be more sympathetic with how things are run right now. They are only to blame if they are unwilling to do any of these actions. And unpatched, there is blatant obvious things with the game that would tell you what obvious maltreatment of the game the PC edition had. After the way that fans had supported the game for the company, it is a slap to the face to these people when they pay the same price for the game as console owners, were promised more features, but yet got a similar product. The thing about the PC edition was that it was not supposed to be a port in the ways that it was similar to the consoles' versions. The company had promoted much more features in the game that are missing in the original launch version that is there, but we are told to wait and support the company for their failures? If they can't tell me anything on their failures and excuses, I don't have any reason to begin to consider their situation or much less to forgive them and move on from this.

They have nerfed or removed features from the original Crysis and Crysis:Warhead and they had not have any good explanations why it happened, but we are shoved to accept these changes while they can pocket my hard-earned $60. Some things, such as locking the console and no advanced graphic options are quick things that could have been fixed in the time Crysis 2 hard copies were mass produced to the launch date had they listened. Yet, we are now forced to wait possibly 2 month for those fixes as I can't foresee them putting any real work on this until glaring problems with multiplayer and single player are addressed.

Most of the people have problems with many games coming forth that there is a lack of quality assurance with them and that they pay full money for products that are missing features that are supposed to be there on launch. We should not have to wait for these things. On principle, they should already be there in the first place. If companies are unwilling to release quality products with everything inside at launch, this precedent will set off a bad fall of games that will follow this trend. If we as consumers don't argue against this kind of practice, we will lose it and that single foothold in the door will only lead to worse things.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:13 am

Replying to the post above, I mainly want to state that in regards to when you talked about certain things removed or nerfed (like prone removed, and lean nerfed), this is something that PC gamers saw coming. Trailers, gameplay videos, and E3 demos showcased it all. The fact that it was being made on consoles is also a reason. These removed/nerfed things were expected yet people buy the game and hate it because of the things THEY KNEW were gone/nerfed, are gone/nerfed. You get what I'm saying? People screwed themselves over. BUT, I personally didn't mind the nerf or removal of certain things. The removal of prone, IMO, was a good call. Terrible for the style of pace in Crysis 2. But lean, i prefer free lean.
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Kevin S
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:13 am

seriously man if you keep tellin yourself its a pc game first you might believe it. I sure dont. If it was a pc game than why is single player not freeroam like crysis 1? or even close to freeroam as farcry was in its days? Dude ff 13 has more free roam.

I never said it was PC first. Learn to read.
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:58 pm

seroiusly we are gana go down to the definition of porting? why not just point out the obvious. GAME HAS MINIMUM FREE ROAM. WHY??? because ram on consoles is jack **** compared to what you can put into a pc. What i dont understand they should have made the game like oblivion. Like how trees pop up like 5 ft in front of your player on the console and on pc you could see for days! Go crytec, why doesnt your devo team just come over sometime and wipe your ass on my pc after **** on it
crysis 2 is like matrix 3 killed the trilogy. Dont come out with cryis 3 please cause you guys obviously cant top crysis 1 and are working backwards

See, it IS possible for free roam, but consoles aren't the reasons for Crysis 2's lack in it. First off, let me say THERE IS already free roam but in a rather "linear style" or how Cevat Yerli says, "Coreographed sandbox."

DO NOT FORGET that Crysis 1 was LINEAR. It was very linear BUT, it was basically ALSO a "Coreographed sandbox." The only difference is that the playgrounds for each level in Crysis 1 were bigger than in Crysis 2. SIMPLE.
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:10 pm

@ silentphenomed

weren't you the one posting all that bs about how the demo was just a port and the final game would be so great and be everything pc players would want? just give it a rest already. people have a right to be pissed at crytek. congratulations for your blind and determined faith, but those of us who really loved crysis have been screwed with this "sequel". crytek used to make games that pushed the boundaries, didn't adhere only to what was popular. now they just made a game for the money. now we get a dumbed down game that doesn't even work for a lot of people.

Demo WAS a port. Actually, I think there was 360 coding in some of the files. Or is that MW2 im thinking bout'? Either way it's both I'm sure. Demo was made 360 specific, as in, Crytek took a piece of Crysis 2, hit "new file" in their CryEngine 3, pasted it, and put 360 coding in it. Then they transfered to PC and PS3. FYI, the PS3 demo svcked dike because it was a FREAKIN 360 PORT. BUT, notice at final release the PS3 online is fine. AND PC online is fine, actually, it's rather a smaller group of people that suffer online issues. It seems to be a "big" issue, but it's not. Because I go online just fine, and I find tons and tons of full servers (usually I struggle to get into a server before it gets full lol).

I don't have blind and determined faith because Crysis 2 is an excellent game for me and I love it on PC. Epic campaign, epic story, epic everything. Multiplayer is ACTUALLY good (unlike Crysis 1's or Wars) and the only issue I see is just worst textures. Everything else is awesome.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:54 am

I can't believe you're trying to convince me this is okay. Smash your PC with a hammer you don't **** deserve it OP.

Did I ever say it's okay? No. I'm simply telling idiots like you to be willing to understand and give a chance. It's NOT okay for a game to be released in the state that Crysis 2 is, BUT, it's also NOT okay to blame the developers when it wasn't their fault. It was rather the publisher's fault because the publisher didn't give the developer enough time. They postponed the game once, so Crytek added more stuff, but oh wait, this extra stuff also requires additional polishing, which Crytek wasn't allowed the time to do because EA wanted to release the game on March 2011 because Crysis 2 is their March 2011 stock sales.

I'm not smashing my PC with a hammer because I'm a PC gamer.....just because I have patience, the ability to understand better than you, and I know how business and companies work, does not mean I don't deserve my PC. You on the other hand, are one of those people that make me worry....worried that there's actually going to be people SO STUPID like you in the future. ****...
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:53 pm

blahh blahh blahh.... I wont be supporting Crytek anymore unless this game is patched to DX11 , the only reason they were able to make Crysis2 is from all the money WE PC USERS spent on buying Crysis and Crysis Warhead. Now for them to give us this bug ridden software that is dummed down for consoles is a JOKE.

Surely they would have realised the backlash from the PC community, i find it weird for a company who has such a good track record to be so ignorant of there customers and what they expect.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:31 pm

blahh blahh blahh.... I wont be supporting Crytek anymore unless this game is patched to DX11 , the only reason they were able to make Crysis2 is from all the money WE PC USERS spent on buying Crysis and Crysis Warhead. Now for them to give us this bug ridden software that is dummed down for consoles is a JOKE.

Surely they would have realised the backlash from the PC community, i find it weird for a company who has such a good track record to be so ignorant of there customers and what they expect.

>_> Clearly, you didn't even TRY to read my posts on this thread. You saw the title and posted randomly. You're a piece of **** fan who should cut his dike off and shove it up his ass, BUT.......I'll simply say that you need to "LEARN TO READ" and I suggest you start doing it soon.

FYI, DX11 is announced to be coming. 16ms left for Crytek to work with in DX11....probably less by now.
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:11 am

blahh blahh blahh.... I wont be supporting Crytek anymore unless this game is patched to DX11 , the only reason they were able to make Crysis2 is from all the money WE PC USERS spent on buying Crysis and Crysis Warhead. Now for them to give us this bug ridden software that is dummed down for consoles is a JOKE.

Surely they would have realised the backlash from the PC community, i find it weird for a company who has such a good track record to be so ignorant of there customers and what they expect.

>_> Clearly, you didn't even TRY to read my posts on this thread. You saw the title and posted randomly. You're a piece of **** fan who should cut his dike off and shove it up his ass, BUT.......I'll simply say that you need to "LEARN TO READ" and I suggest you start doing it soon.

FYI, DX11 is announced to be coming. 16ms left for Crytek to work with in DX11....probably less by now.

Sure thing... dont take it personally and get offensive, I read your post..making excuses for a large company who are capable of better things than the current state of Crysis 2 is LAME.

Looking forward to your flame response about cutting body parts off and doing things with them.

""That's all. Try NOT to troll or flame, I would rather people talk logically and normally here. Ty.""

HAHAHHA farking noob GAME OVER!
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Pete Schmitzer
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:58 pm

Surely they would have realised the backlash from the PC community, i find it weird for a company who has such a good track record to be so ignorant of there customers and what they expect.

Correct, and it appears that Crytek decided to endure any pressure PC gamers could bring to bear. Yeah, and that's why they deserve every minute of the hard times we can generate. IMO, it's utterly stupid and self-aggrandizing for anyone to suggest that those who feel cheated should just bend over and take it, with a big, **** eating grin. Crytek, as a company, will need to EARN my respect again, and it's just that goddamn simple. The first step is easy, get someone in here with some weight to apologize for the way C2 was released. Next, start talking about what the future holds, and when. No more of this open-faced Charlie, "we're investigating it" ****.

For the record, any game that has "Crytek" or "CRYENGINE 3" plastered on it won't be allowed on my baby until they make THIS game right, and I don't give a rat's ass how it's hyped.
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:56 am

1) They should not have released the game before it was finished. Period. Make all the excuses you want but that's not how you run a business. EA should be well aware of this.

2) Before you call this a port, go learn how CryEngine 3 works. This is not a console or PC port. It's a game built ground up on all platforms.

Going to post the same response I made in another thread to this.

Before the day 1 patch, the PC version's main menu said:


Please, be so kind as to tell me where I can find my keyboard's start button?

The PC version was ported from the console build. There's no disputing that. Stop trying to.
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rebecca moody
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:07 am

if it looks like a port, smells like a port, tastes like a port.... it is a _ _ _ _!

simple. technically doesnt matter if it is a port or not. i dont care if it is a port, but it plays like a #$%&^#*& port therefore it is no better than a console port.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:56 am

lol, gotta say I appreciate your arguments but:

1) Sure publishers strategically control release dates to maximise their profits for the reporting period. We get that, its the fact that Crysis was released at a later date than what was originally announced that voids your argument: they had extra time, they failed to use it properly. Whether they were adding new **** or not is irrelevant, gamers expect a proper final release for their money. Also, unless your the psychologist of the staff at Crytek I would refrain from using the hypothetical "we were so depressed we couldn't complete the game" scenario

2) Also what people mean by port is a game which fails to optimally consume a given hardware combinations resources. By this definition, Crysis 2 is DEFINITELY a port, whether the game was built simultaneously from the ground up on all platforms is irrelevant, fact is the engine didn't and still doesn't utilise PC hardware to a satisfactory level. This is evident from the identical graphics on console and PC and the compressed textures as opposed to Cryisis 1's high res textures.

You'll probably argue now "its more optimised now." Fact is Crysis 1 performs just as well as Crysis 2, if not better with some setting tweaks and this is considering that Crysis 1 has higher res textures, larger and more destructible environments, dynamic time of day (was that even present in Crysis 2 or was it preprogrammed?), more complex and accurate physics etc.
Just ask yourself, if Crysis 2 was not released on console, would it have looked better?

That said I actually do really enjoy Crysis 2, just try not to go justify Crysis 2's inadequacies with ridiculus arguments. Crytek released a broken product and they are taking steps to fix it as they should. On the other hand people have a right to voice any grievances they might have without having to be considerate of Cryteks plight, any time a monetary transaction is involved people have a right to this.

What does this mean?
Fact: Its a port
Fact: It is broken
Fact: Crytek are fixing it but people have the right to complain
Fact: Its still a good game
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Philip Rua
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:07 am

blahh blahh blahh.... I wont be supporting Crytek anymore unless this game is patched to DX11 , the only reason they were able to make Crysis2 is from all the money WE PC USERS spent on buying Crysis and Crysis Warhead. Now for them to give us this bug ridden software that is dummed down for consoles is a JOKE.

Surely they would have realised the backlash from the PC community, i find it weird for a company who has such a good track record to be so ignorant of there customers and what they expect.

>_> Clearly, you didn't even TRY to read my posts on this thread. You saw the title and posted randomly. You're a piece of **** fan who should cut his dike off and shove it up his ass, BUT.......I'll simply say that you need to "LEARN TO READ" and I suggest you start doing it soon.

FYI, DX11 is announced to be coming. 16ms left for Crytek to work with in DX11....probably less by now.

Sure thing... dont take it personally and get offensive, I read your post..making excuses for a large company who are capable of better things than the current state of Crysis 2 is LAME.

Looking forward to your flame response about cutting body parts off and doing things with them.

""That's all. Try NOT to troll or flame, I would rather people talk logically and normally here. Ty.""

HAHAHHA farking noob GAME OVER!

You sir, win. I personally got tired of the long rants and run-on sentences purporting to come from an educated mind. I felt like posting something, but your response shall do, in addition to this:


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Chris Johnston
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:02 am

lol, gotta say I appreciate your arguments but:

1) Sure publishers strategically control release dates to maximise their profits for the reporting period. We get that, its the fact that Crysis was released at a later date than what was originally announced that voids your argument: they had extra time, they failed to use it properly. Whether they were adding new **** or not is irrelevant, gamers expect a proper final release for their money. Also, unless your the psychologist of the staff at Crytek I would refrain from using the hypothetical "we were so depressed we couldn't complete the game" scenario

2) Also what people mean by port is a game which fails to optimally consume a given hardware combinations resources. By this definition, Crysis 2 is DEFINITELY a port, whether the game was built simultaneously from the ground up on all platforms is irrelevant, fact is the engine didn't and still doesn't utilise PC hardware to a satisfactory level. This is evident from the identical graphics on console and PC and the compressed textures as opposed to Cryisis 1's high res textures.

You'll probably argue now "its more optimised now." Fact is Crysis 1 performs just as well as Crysis 2, if not better with some setting tweaks and this is considering that Crysis 1 has higher res textures, larger and more destructible environments, dynamic time of day (was that even present in Crysis 2 or was it preprogrammed?), more complex and accurate physics etc.
Just ask yourself, if Crysis 2 was not released on console, would it have looked better?

That said I actually do really enjoy Crysis 2, just try not to go justify Crysis 2's inadequacies with ridiculus arguments. Crytek released a broken product and they are taking steps to fix it as they should. On the other hand people have a right to voice any grievances they might have without having to be considerate of Cryteks plight, any time a monetary transaction is involved people have a right to this.

What does this mean?
Fact: Its a port
Fact: It is broken
Fact: Crytek are fixing it but people have the right to complain
Fact: Its still a good game

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