And there I can agree. Someone said we bash NCR because we want to bash IRL America, which simply isnt true. NCR's government emulates all the problems that comes from a system that revolves around love of money and power and position. A man like House, there is only one man running the business, House. But in NCR, you have senators being run with more strings by Brahmin Barons than 1930's NYC politicians had from La Cosa Nostra. NCR's little guy is fighting the good fight, the problem with it's system is that the big guys, the guys sitting in their cushy offices in Shady Sands are running by the dollar. It's why I so strongly support a House victory. NCR wins at the Dam, they just lose control of it, which gives NCR the slap on the nose they need. I'd like to imagine with Kimball and Oliver being flushed out, and the possibility of Chief Hanlon entering politics, NCR would clean house and install people who have good intentions for their future. I have a love hate attitude to NCR. Hate the system, love the intentions. It's why I do all I can to support them without directly supporting an NCR dam victory.
I'm strongly humanitarian, progressive, and anti-authoritarian in RL, so that translates into a hatred for Caeser and a dislike for NCR's 'because we say so' vibe. I don't see any conflict of interest between the Followers and House, and in fact, it's ideal. Robots do any necessary violent work, putting people out of harm's way. I am under the impression that NCR forcibly drafts some people. Even if they don't, it's still a system corrupt with problems. It's irritating, but not enough for me to actively make them fail.
I am irritated at House's forcing people out of the Vault and filling it with concrete. But not enough to deliberately work against him.
Caeser's Legion needs to be eradicated like a disease.