And please for the love of whatever diety you may or may not worship, no Enclave posts, this is a thread based around major factions.
I'll start.
I support the NCR, they have healthcare, education, and infrastructure. I like how thye are generally accepting of mutants (excluding super mutants, they seem to dislike them now) and allow their citizens to enjoy basic freedoms and safety in their lands (not the Mojave, it's currently contested). I also believe that democracy is the best form of government so far, I've read enough history books to know that for every Queen Elizabeth and Augustus Caesar there are 2 Henry the 8ths and Caligulas and mediocre rulers. I also believe that rule of law is better than the rule of an absolute monarch.
I do not support the way the government is structured. With how out of touch the senate is and how inefficient it runs I believe NCR needs to restructure itself to serve it's citizens, which is the job of an elected government. I also do not like how this corruption ends up screwing over their conscripted soldiers with second hand gear and faulty equipment.
The reasons I do not support House, Caesar or Independant is because House could care less about the Mojave outside of the strip and has let countless amounts of people lose their lives in a war he helps propogate, essentailly he's a war criminal and war profiteer. He has also accomplished nothing other than creating 3 casinos which he believes will help him rebuild humanity. His employees are not loyal to him, one has outright screwed him over and one tribe is planning to overthrow him.
Caesar forces people to serve them, controls the thoughts of his citizens and allows sixism and slavery as long as the slaves are forced to serve him and his legion. He has also made the legion too dependant on him, with no hier and no one smart enough to suceed him, the legion's security is at risk considering his illness. He is also a hypocrite, allowing himself an autodoc when his men have to make do with tribal remedies.
The people of New Vegas are unorganized, have no infrastructure, no healthcare outside of a few doctors and no education system. They rely on the Followers to teach them and steal supplies the NCR has already laid claim to (the NCR took over buildings they weren't using and got power and water working). They do little more than complain and whine.
All right, let's hear your reasons.