» Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:48 am
Ulric was a nord born into poverty, an orphan of the turbulent era. Captured in a bandit raid at a very young age he was sold into slavery and found a master in an Imperial noble of the northern territories of Cyrodiil. His servitude, however, was cut short in the seemingly endless struggles between the Imperials and the rebellion of the Thalmor of the old Aldmeri Dominion. During a skirmish, his master was slain in combat by an uprising of those sympathetic to Thalmor. Thankfully his life was spared in the death and destruction, having happened upon and hidden away in a small crevice in the earth only big enough for him to fit through with his small stature. There he remained until the clash of swords and the smell of blood grew stale in the air. At 10 with his new found freedom he had few choices, struggling as a street thief until he was big enough to wield a blade, when he took up arms as a hired blade in the corrupt underbelly of the crumbling Empire.
After the fall of the High King of Skyrim, he hears tale of great wars coming in his long lost homeland. He was unsure whether it was the promise of work, being a mercenary, or the call of what he used to call home in a distant far off dream. Either way he was set on making it there, the only problem was he had gained quite a bit of heat when he tried skipping town, as some who might call themselves his "boss" insisted he should stay and work for them. Let's just say they didn't like to be told no. Sooooo upon crossing the border he was caught, no doubt framed by the corrupt gaurds and officials under those crime bosses payroll for the death left in his wake, unknowing of the great destiny that lies ahead of him after his imprisonment and impending execution.....