Wierd Arrow Flight

Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:03 pm

I am wondering for those that use marksman and use poison if this has ever happened to you. Brathel my current character doesnt have zoom yet and there are a lot of times she aims for a target and strange things happen. Either the arrow goes short of a target, goes over a target, goes wide of target, or through a target? Or is this normal that an arrow goes wierd and one loses the poison on the arrow. One target she shot over 20 arrows before finally an arrow went straight.
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:12 am

I am wondering for those that use marksman and use poison if this has ever happened to you. Brathel my current character doesnt have zoom yet and there are a lot of times she aims for a target and strange things happen. Either the arrow goes short of a target, goes over a target, goes wide of target, or through a target? Or is this normal that an arrow goes wierd and one loses the poison on the arrow. One target she shot over 20 arrows before finally an arrow went straight.

Pull back and hold for one second or more. This guarantees powerful flight. However you must compensate for the arrow falling over distance. For long range shots I often aim well above their heads. If they are moving, I try to lead them a little. Or, you can wait to see what their movement is like, and try to tag them when they stop, if only for a second. If you have poison applied, you will lose it if you miss your shot. I can't tell you how many times I have a powerful poison and the target moves at the last second, or is standing still, and decides to move. Rage. Plan your first shot as a stealth shot, and when you have been discovered, I try to take down the first rusher before they close to melee range, pumping as many arrows as I can, before resorting to my dagger and my destruction spells.
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:23 am

Thanks was begining to think something was wrong with either my computer or the install.......
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Sheila Reyes
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