Yesterday night I dreamt that I had won a contest to spend an afternoon with my country's former
I ate with him and we discussed personal and intimate things. Then we proceeded to ride horses. He then changed his mount for a wheeled chariot and crushed citizens with it. Mount & Blade's interface was on and I could read the kill messages "Jean Chrétien killed 1 Citizen".
I then woke up and fell asleep again. That time, I was a chinese soldier holding off chinese rebels armed with tanks, artillery and paratroopers. While we were getting slaughtered, face appeared in the sky with bright lights surrounding it and thousands of backup soldiers descended from the sky, riding horses, armed with muskets and doing The rebels retreated and we won the day.
That was an awesome dream night.

I play so much Minecraft that my dreams are now in BLOCKS. Yes. BLOCKS.
Weird. Yes. BLOCKS. Awesome.
Hah! Same thing here. Since I bought the game, I sometimes wake up thinking:
"Wait, where are my blocks? I need diamond now. I should place more stones."
then fall back asleep, dreaming about my room being in blocks. :celebration: