The long awaited game already capturing the hearts of many men (and women).
The long awaited game already capturing the hearts of many men (and women).
Lol thats hilarious. I'm not married so I dont have that problem. Im single, so thanks Fallout 4, thatll continue because of you as I slip into my "vegetative state".
LOL you really think its real interview? its part of Bethesda marketing
It's meant as a joke. Most likely many women and men can relate to the article.
I haven't told my wife yet what's coming to her. I'll feed it bit by bit. Just told her yesterday that I will spend 90€ on preorder. Next week I'll tell her that I got a new internet provider to be capable of streaming on Twitch. One day before release I'll tell here I will be gone for a copple of weeks, or more...
Im married and my wife doesn't like games...
However the day fallout 4 releases she is going to language school for 3 hours, the day after is holiday here in Europe and a took a day off the 12th, were again she has class.
I have 3 days to bring freedom to the wastes.
That reminds me of this comic from a few years back
Given my girl plenty of warnings starting several months ago. However I feel like she still can't comprehend the scope of what is to come.
My wife is going to the midnight launch for me, or so she says.
Awww that's nice, sounds like you've got a keeper there mate
I'm more worried about pets. Cats with unchanged litter boxes, un-walked dogs staring sadly at their empty food bowls... yep, it's the pets that will suffer the most.
I spend a pretty considerable amount of time gaming. My wife is accepted of it (at least I hope she is). I do most of my gaming when she's not home, and when she's asleep (I work nights so it's not abnormal for me). Needless to say... I think she understands that it's my way of breaking free of reality for a bit.
This sums it up:
I have a wife but she is also a geek/gamer. While she is not a Fallout fan, per se, she at least understands the importance of this release for me.
Trouble is, she's carrying two children in her belly. 30 weeks along. There's still plenty of work to be done on the house to prepare for their arrival. I've taken a whole week off to coincide with Fallout (don't worry, I have plenty of leave left for when the babies come), but I know I won't be able to spend all of that playing the game. Work will have to be done. But I've been a good boy--cleaning/decluttering the house all day on weekends, working every night after my day job is done. I think the wife will cut me some slack. I hope.
Lucky for me, my husband is getting FO4 also. I told him I'm going full on geek and doing the midnight launch, took a day off work and might spend all my free time after launch in the wasteland. He's a very understanding man.
Lol. That's cute.
In my case, my hubby will be there watching me play fallout. We spend a lot of time together (he was laid off from his job a month ago). He is very supportive of my gaming and I love him dearly for that.
haha, I met the boyfriend when XIII-lightening returns dropped, and he stuck with me after basically sitting next to a gasping vegetable for a month. He used to play games leisurely, but I've gotten him into Bethesda's open worlds the last two years. We currently geek out on ESO or roll characters in F1/2 and make decisions together. It's a lot of fun. Needless to say, he's well aware of my imminent near-coma state. And has promised to take care of the pets so long as he's allowed at least 2 hours a day in the wastes as well (we only have one gaming system capable of running F4 at the moment). Now to convince him to wake up early to get those 2 hours in before I get home from work...hmmmm....
Haha... I wasn't really playing games when my boyfriend and I met or started living together, though I'd played a few when I was younger. He encouraged me to buy a decent computer so I could try out some newer ones (probably so I'd get off his back while he's playing) and now I'm the one who's like "What? I'm trying to kill stuff, don't talk to me."
My son is 2 and a half. Before he was born I would play quite often, sometimes clocking almost 30 hours a week when I was playing competitive CTF. I'm only now getting back to having some gaming time (maybe 7-10 hours a week if I'm lucky). Trust me when I say you won't miss the game, even one so top-full so awesome as FO4, for a while.
I'm going to have to send my wife this article.