be obvious to everybody except me
GetPermAV has added to my confusion because the Wiki page says this function "Returns the permanent value, no bonus from perks, equiped items ect." - And this doesn't seem to be the case as far as Perks are concerned. They appear to be included.
I went through the trouble of writing down all the player starting stats during the goat, and tracked a couple of stats through a few levels:
Small Guns up to level 4:
1. Goat started with 19, tagged it for 15 bonus to 34
2. Added 5 points during a level up
3. Added two 'Gun nut' perks +5 each
4. Wearing armor with +5 small guns
So after these steps, the Pipboy shows 'small guns' at 54 +
At the console,
Player.GetAV returns 54
Player.GetPermAv returns 49 - seems to include the Gun nut perks but not the armor
Player.GetBaseAV returns 39 - includes Goat 19+15, and the level-up +5
1. Goat started with 15
2. Took the Bobble +10
Pipboy shows 'Medicine' 25
Player.GetAv returns 25
Player.GetPermAV returns 25 - includes the bobble
Player.GetBaseAV returns 15
1. Goat started with 15
2. FOOK threw in the 'Scoundrel' perk after the goat +5
3. Read one Barter skill book +1
4. Wearing Armor item for +2 Barter
Pipboy shows 'Barter' 23 +
Player.GetAv returns 23
Player.GetPermAV returns 21 - includes the Perk and Book, but not the armor.
Player.GetBaseAV returns 15
So the results i'm getting for GetPermAV would make sense to include bobbles, books, and perks - for the perks that are never removed.
Am I missing something?