I hate nifs - never quite understood them - as can be seen http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1080728-add-a-static-model-to-a-creature/
that being said the author can be found here : http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php?title=Working_With_Nifs_201_:_Meshes%2C_Data%2C_and_you&limit=50&action=history
that being said also
do edit it ! not impolite at all - leaving errors uncorrected is arguably more impolite

it is a wiki after all
utumno, thanks for the information. I've copied the text that needs correcting and will work on it off line.
I do have a question relative to this that hopefully others can clarify. The article suggests that, if you're feeling adventurous, you can edit the normals directly in NifSkope. The problem is, the normals are stored as direction cosines, so that the sum of the squares of the three vectors exactly equals 1.00. Mathematically, changing only one vector makes the sum of the squares not equal to 1.00 and therefore makes the set invalid. However in practice this may be Ok. My experiments on this so far have been inconclusive.
Does anyone have any direct knowledge if changing only one vector of the set is Ok in practice?