Wil you first character be male or female?

Post » Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:19 am

did i say that all women are more emotional that all men. no i said that women are more emotional that men........big difference in how you infer it. are lamborghinis faster than fords.......yes and no. lamborghinis arent faster than nascar fords. thank you for the MBTI thing though cause that simply backed up my point. heres another science fact that should get you all teed off .......men are stronger than women.........now you can run off and find some 5'2" nerdy guy that got out bench pressed by one of the GLOW girls and prove me wrong on that as well. :rolleyes:

selling relationship advice in books and magazine is a huge moneymaker in this culture, just take a gander at whats on the supermarket magazine rack at the checkout line. my personal favorite is the late night guy that tells you how to pick up chicks while wearing a funny feathered hat. dear abby columns are mostly relationship advice between men and women. if men and women thought the same and clicked together so well we wouldnt have such a high divorce rate.

if you have proof that the blob was not female im more than willing to listen to it. :biggrin: until then my theory stands

as for the porm thing im not going make excuses for that.........i was in my twenties and that was a very bad judgement call on my part..........the ONLY reason i did it was cause i figured it was better than having to watch titanic or some other godawful movie and i thought i might get some nookie. after some time passed she thought it was funny enough to tell her friends and family and everyone had a good laugh at my expense.

I know that men are generally far stronger physcially than women. That's not deniable. But my point still stands. You were saying women were more emotional than men and think totally differently and so men cannot roleplay as them or imagine female characters realistically and vice versa. My evidence showed that not just the occasional woman, but 40% are logical over emotional. It's not a small statistic.

Speaking of which, here's another one. Divorce rates of same six marriage are HIGHER than those in opposite six marriages. I'm sure there are many factors at play, but that just removes your credibility on that point. A more reasonable explanation for it would be that PEOPLE struggle to get along in intimate relationships for long periods. And magazines are hardly proof! They make as many generalisations as you do, they can't offer anything like diversity, they just have to give you a rough idea, and they as well are just written by random people with no actual evidence for anything they write.

I haven't seen the blob. Nonetheless, your reasoning was ridiculous.
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sarah taylor
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Post » Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:07 am

i just did a few quick googles. "men think differently than women" and then i googled "men think the same/identical as women".............i suggest you do the same.

just a quick google finds tons of stuff that refutes your men are the same as women politically correct dogma.........in fact here is just one of them from the huffington post which is hardly a bastion of chauvinism. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/marcia-reynolds/men-and-women-think-diffe_b_517277.html

if you keep searching you will find TONS of scientific data that goes entirely against whatever your womens lib professor taught you in college. im a bit surprised you didnt see this when you did your search unless of course you cherry picked from all the websites what you WANTED to see instead of using all of the available data.

ill let you have the divorce thing since frankly i dont follow the gay marriage debate.

you can have the last word since i dont want to ruin this guys thread by heading towards politics. glad to debate though. :)
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:19 am

Look, I ge the fact that there are differences overall. I'm just saying that how you were speaking was in absolutes, and these things are NOT absolute. There is a lot of crossover in thinking styles, and you can't say it is impossible for one person to roleplay as the opposite six becaus not only is it not impossible to understand a different way of thinking, but it is also possible for the opposite six to have a very similar way of thinking to them.

In fact, I have known several women who defy practically all stereotypes of femininity and men who defy masculinity.

Oh, and just searching for the differences between male and female brains I stumbled across this.

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jadie kell
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Post » Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:13 pm

Post limit!
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Anna S
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Post » Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:29 am

Not like it's really mattered in TES so far.
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Post » Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:22 am

Not like it's really mattered in TES so far.

In the earlier TES games it did had a stat effect.

New thread. We can get this one locked. http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1153781-will-your-first-character-be-male-or-female-2/
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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