I had to do a search before the thread was made just in case. Forget about races for right now, that's all over the forums. Will your first character be a male or female character? My first character is always male and always represent my real physique/self. Face, body, etc. Now in TES, because my main is a beast race I can only do so much sadly, but I'll get to fix all that when the second character is human (possibly redguard). I'm not going to speak so much into detail though. So what is first for everybody?
Male. I started Morrowind and Oblivion with a male breton battlemage to get the feel of the game and speed through the main quest. Then I'll start a new game as my male Argonian and do some roleplay and exploration.
My first character is always my serious, story character. I usually always base him on his home province, meaning my character will probably be a Nord male.
For the serious story, male nord. Once I'm wanting a bit of escape, probably a female bosmer. For some reason, I feel archers suit a female character more.
Hulk for sure, nobody will take miss beauty seriously (miss beauty will be taken very seriously after she pulls her elven short sword from her boot and threatens you with it thou)
I will play as a male character. I will only play as a female if the Khajiit end up looking awesome. I generally dislike playing as a female, even though I am female.
Female Wood Elf or Nord. Female for the personality boost, since I typically play some hunter oriented class with focus on nature and dealing with others (selling my stuff).
I've played every ES game apart from Arena, and I've never used a female. Never will! Also, and I'm not 100% sure about this, there is no difference in-game between choosing a female or a male.