Wild Waste Land perk. To take or not to take.

Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:22 am

So far in all my games I have played with the Wild Waste Land perk. So I will be starting a new game. I am wondering if I should take it again or not. So far in all my plays, I only have encountered about 5 of them and a few of them, doesn't even make sense to me.

So I am wondering if I don't take it, am I missing anythig from not choosing it? I have seen the Aliens, and I haven't really thought it funny or anything. Just reminded me of Mothership Zeta and svcks because I can't even get to the ship because of the Invisible Walls. I have gotten the Laser Gun but never used it and have it stored away in Goodsprings Dumper. I think if I don't take the WWL perk you get a different rifle or what not.

So my question is will I miss anything, besides the Laser Gun from the Aliens for not choosing the WWL perk since the last 50 hours or so, I haven't encountered one. I think I might have encounterd one in Honest Hearts but didn't understand what it was. I might have encountered another one in the Mojave waste land but again, didn't get it or see anything so I feel I am missing out on it now.

So what do you guys and girls think of WWL perk and should it be take or not? Please explain why in your answers please.
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Beat freak
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:36 am

Well it's really not very different than it is with it, other then several things are unencounterable.

1. No 'Big One' in the Wasteland.
2. No Aliens.
3. No Indiana Jones.
4. Normal Scavenger body south of Goodsprings.
5. No Star Wars reference in Nipton.
6. You get a Unique Gauss Rifle at the Aliens location on a Merc/Raider's corpse (after you kill them.)

There are several things in the DLC that I do not remember.

Honestly I just go with the vanilla game because it's a bit more realistic and the regular encounters make you happy after seeing the same repetive pop culture references over and over again, but then again this is just my way of thinking.
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jaideep singh
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:55 am

If you take WIld Wasteland, you lose out on a mini nuke and the YCS/186. If you don't take it, you lose the Holy Frag Grenades and the Alien Blaster. Only real pros/cons about it. The rest is just humorous references.
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:37 am

You get the YSC/186 (Unique Gauss rifle) instead of the Alien Blaster.
You won't be able to get the Holy frag grenades (located in the basemant in camp searchlight).

I chose Four eyes and Small frame.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:40 am

Thank you guys for the comments. I have been looking for the Star Wars reference for so long I never seen it. It's in Nipton eh? I still haven't seen it. I think I iwll go withou the WWL perk this time in my play through since it seems I am not missing out on anything.

Thanks again guys for the replies. :)
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:29 am

Well it's really not very different than it is with it, other then several things are unencounterable.

1. No 'Big One' in the Wasteland.

Honestly I just go with the vanilla game because it's a bit more realistic and the regular encounters make you happy after seeing the same repetive pop culture references over and over again, but then again this is just my way of thinking.

Big One? Did I miss that one? I LOVE Wild Wasteland for the humor and refferences but I must have missed that one. Care to elaborate please?
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:34 am

Big One? Did I miss that one? I LOVE Wild Wasteland for the humor and refferences but I must have missed that one. Care to elaborate please?

*spoilers* east of the town where the khans got massacred past the ranger station-theres a megaton reference *cough*
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:32 am

Caligula:Instead of writing *spoilers*, you could
use the spoiler tags

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Da Missz
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Post » Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:17 am

Take the perk, you can get Holy Frag grenades which one hit kill ANYTHING no matter what (Im pretty sure). You also get the Alien Blaster easy enough, and you get to see what would really have happened to Indiana Jones in that fridge... anyway i always take it.
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