Wild Wasteland, seriously...

Post » Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:18 am

Comparing the perk to the myriad of other awesomely wacky, craziness in the game (some of which is way nuttier than anything in the Wild Wasteland occurrences)
leads me to believe there is someone (or several someones) over at development who are more than a little stuck up.

It may have started as a good incentive, to give choice, but the end-product comes off as some kill joy, needlessly shoehorning in his/her QQing.

I like to pretend these are the same people responsible for the horrific creation known as Combat Armor mk2/reinforced, which belongs in an alternative
dimension where the most generic depiction of futuristic armor passes the grade, where that baffling, ghastly modelled helmet actually conjures up desire
in the gamer, where he can hold it up and compare it to the other finely crafted pieces of awesomeness as an equal, instead of as the sad joke it is.

Err, anyhoo, Wild Wasteland? grow a spine.
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Post » Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:28 pm

leads me to believe there is someone (or several someones) over at development who are more than a little stuck up.

Yeah, not appropriate for the forums.
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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