Now since these lists are far longer than what bethesda could possibly have made I'll delete the lowest rated animal and monster 'till theres only ten left (of each catagory)... I'll also delete a werebeast type and a vampire type 'till theres just one of each...
As you might be able to see I find animal AI very important...
Packs: Of course not all creatures live in packs 'nor do all function this way... this is simply for wolves and deers (stuff like that)
Bethesda: I wouldn't mind seeing some all new creatures either... also please add spears...
Why I made this: To get a clearer overview on what people want... and because I like pools...
I don't know what this is: Well then check the UESP... Anteras' creatures on the other hand... for those check
This isn't about whats coolest but what fits Skyrim the most.... thats why Morrowind only creatures such as guars aren't in the list...
If you post "others" please also post what you want...