» Sun May 22, 2011 4:04 pm
Hehe not for me
You can make anything with it.Like ,animated projects,Animated movies,games,etc.
Well it is not thing like you get cryengine then you will get to make whatever game you like.
You need team to work with.
You need Ideas.
You need story.
You need to know what the hell are you dealing with.
You need basic concepts of handling editing software's like c++,java,Other graphic stuff,etc.
It is just a engine like a car has one,but you need to make chacy for that car and do some wiring and put stuff together.
You will get the Idea if you do some work around Autocad.
I am not discouraging you.I just wanted to let you know this before you buy some cry engine thing.
If you know this then its great.
But you can make maps with map editor very easily.(Sandbox editor 3 will be free for download)
Youtube video tutorials will be available
So don't worry.
But still sandbox editor 2 is very complex.
I can't do much with it.
I still don't know many options sandbox 2 have.
So sandbox editor 3 will be a big challenge for me ,I suppose....... -_-'
want i want actually is to meke a cinematic, like a movie!:)
And i will buy C2 end of the year to PC, will play a lot(single and multiplayer) and will try to create a cinematic,for free!:)!!!