I doubt it. their just mutated bears, not really built for mounting.
This was one of the ideas I put forward in my speculation thread.
Like I said, this was one of the ideas from my http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1534682-completed-perk-chart-speculation-thread-2. The entire thread is featured on http://vault111.com.
EDIT: I will be updating all perk info on the site over the next week or so based on the official chart, with the exception of individual ranks. This way, people will still be able to use it as a rough guide to plan their character before release.
Woah there, No some jerk snot brat up in DC is claiming him and his Pa did it. Damn Liars that was my idea All along just I sorta drank with the wrong girl, who as it happens had a crush on the older fella, and was just leading me along. Floozy used me, I am telling you.... Never trust a doctor.
(and Yes GKkzz was the first thinking mounts That I saw, you might wanna read some of his threads)
If Yao Guais as mounts are not available in the vanilla game, then someone will mod it in,
No thank you, bear cavalry is for the Soviets and I am not a dirty communist.
American cowboy horses are fine, steal horses work too.
NO, Imagine rolling out of a Verti-bird in battledress on the back of your battle bear.
Heheheh why not, who is gonna have the stones to say something about it......
Though to be honest I (ole 2-caps) is more of a wear a Kilt with a mole rat strapped to each foot like roller skates, beer in one hand grenade in the other, imposing battle pose type fella.
And this is why the Kilt was created. The enemies were too busy puking to bother dealing with the Scots attacking them. It is also the reason why the Bagpipes were created.
I don't know about the first bit.... I gotta say when you need one hand on a wall or tree to keep from falling over cause you have had a bit much from the bottle, lifting yer skirt is so much easier than fumbling with zippers or buttons.
I want a battle wagon pulled by a team of mirlurks.