I was recommended to Oblivion by a friend, i knew no lore or anything but even i got it:
Some emperor came to my cell (How the hell did i get there) And forsaw me saving the world. Then went to some old karate teacher that tried to understand the emperors shroom talk
and he did. then i went to chech out the emperors kid that was sutch a dike until we got to the tempele. Well then some weard relative to Abording fan came screaming out but still stopped to chat with me. Then i saw a demon gate and closed it. Then i went into the city and killed some baldrats. Then i found the kid who was 40 years old, and took him to some shroom eating wicca colony.
Blah Blah Blah i did all these weard things that an army could not, even tho i had just gotten out of a serious illnes that cost me to lose my memory.
Then some big fight started with the demons that would choose the faith of mankind... Yet the world could not get more than 15 guards to help me save the existanse.
Then i went trough this skooma gate to a shroom world where everyone was an idiot. And killed and [censored] some guy who thoughed he could not be killed in one blow.
Then the wicca colony started an orgia (without me). Then we went to this super cool city with the population of 100 (the capital, with an arena that killed over 20 folks a day?)
Then some super sized hindu god that looked like Mel Gibson came and i ran with the 40 years old kid to a tempele where he turned into a dragon.
And killed Mel Gibson (who liked solarium for he was red) and his 4 extra arms and suddenly some 120 years old guy ran at me at 92,4 miles per hour speed.
And ordered me an imperial armor that was only supposed to be weared by the 40 years old guy. And everyone just walked normal and didnt even notice if they happened to
walk into a hole that was created when Mel Gibson fired his fart...
Something like that right?