Morrowind overhaul and sound
better bodies
better heads
Windows Glow - Bloodmoon (now with Raven Rock)
Windows Glow expansion
HD Intro Cinematic - English
Better Clothes
More Better Clothes Vol. I: Vanilla
Mournhold overhaul
Morrowind rebirth
Redaynia Village
Redoran Expansion
Felsaad Revamped
Moon's Dawn, City of the Nords
Khuul Expanded
More Detailed Places - Gnaar Mok
Vos Expansion
Ald Velothi Complete
Thirsk Expanded
Fort Frostmoth Docks Enhanced
New Skaal Village
Vivec Expansion
Animated Morrowind
Animated Morrowind II
Animated Morrowind - Expanded
morrowind comes alive
Advanced Guards
Chitin Project
Gnisis Imperial Bridge
Imperial Employment Office
Guild Salaries
Grandmaster of Hlaalu
Hla Oad/Odai Plateau Road
Main Quest Enhancers
Tamriel Rebuilt (1 & 2)
Health Fix
All these mods I found from Planet Elder Scrolls =)