Will any of you guys still play oblivion once skyrim is out?

Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:12 pm

Soz if the thread has been made before.
Being completely honest I can't really see myself playing it anymore, unless of course I turn into one of those anti-oblivion persons but instead I'd be anti-skyrim and say how rubbish skyrim is compared to oblivion.
I can see that for some people it will be different as they are more attached to their characters, you could maybe make the same character in skyrim and make up a whole new backstory as to why they moved to skyrim, I think that would be cool I might try that.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:23 am

I still play Morrowind. I adore TES, so I don't see why I'd stop playing any of the games. They all have their merits.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:59 pm

Yes. I'm not planning to buy Skyrim right away. Past experience with TES games has taught me that the initial release always has bugs, leading to player frustration and several patches. If Oblivion is fit to play on 11-10-11, it will still be fit to play on 11-12-11. And if I'm wrong about Skyrim (hopefully I am!) then I haven't lost anything, because the game will still be just as good whenever I get around to it.

I'm presently taking a mini-break from Oblivion, playing Morrowind. A while back I was playing Daggerfall. Time goes by, and styles change, but good games don't get "old." :)
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Hilm Music
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:33 pm

Didn't we have this discussion not too long ago? In any case my best answer is, who knows? I don't foresee abandoning Oblivion any time soon, Skyrim or no Skyrim. I can certainly see myself taking a temporary leave-of-absence to give Skyrim a look-see. More than that remains in the hands of the Nine.

How can no know such a thing? Skyrim is an unknown at this point. It might be the greatest thing since the invention of toilet-paper. Then again it might not. No matter how great it is or is not, it is perfectly legitimate to prefer Oblivion, as there are those who prefer Morrowind and/or Daggerfall. Let the game be released and played, then decide.

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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:31 pm

I have a hard time going back to an old game when a newer one comes along. I probably won't play Oblivion, unless they really botch Skyrim (which I do not think will happen).
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:46 pm

Time goes by, and styles change, but good games don't get "old." :)

^^ This :foodndrink:
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Joey Bel
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:13 pm

I won't pay any serious attention to Skyrim until it has been out for a year or more. I don't do brand new games. I'll give it plenty of time to get debugged, patched, wiki'd etc before I take a look at it. :foodndrink:
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:25 pm

I've played Oblivion for a long long time, in fact, perhaps too long. I have drained Oblivion of all the content, and plan to move on to Skyrim quickly after it is released. I want to discover new things, as the secrets of Oblivion have long been known to me.

That being said, I will likely come back to it, as I have gone back to Morrowind while Oblivion was out.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:31 am

Yes, even if just for a sense of nostalgia
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:39 pm

I still play Fallout 3 so absolutely. It's a game that can never truly get old, because you can always find things to do.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:11 pm

Oblivion will probably go the way of Morrowind with me once Skyrim comes out. Meaning that I'll definitely still play it from time to time, but I'll probably only play "inside the box." I'll only do the main quest and factions and side quests, rather than branching out and just making a character to live life and do hardcoe roleplaying. I will roleplay while playing inside the box, but I imagine Skyrim will offer a better opportunity to roleplay outside of it. Time will tell though, but regardless, I will still play Oblivion from time to time. I've been playing Morrowind the past couple of weeks.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:20 am

After reading your posts you are all right, it was only a year ago I completed final fantasy VII again, my all time top favourite game, the graphics in that game were bad when it was out let alone now, but I still love it.

To be honest I would love to play morrowind, if I got a pc or original xbox I'd get it for sure, oblivion is my first TES game, I'm gutted I didn't discover the franchise sooner though, the re-playability of oblivion is mind boggling, so I have come to realise after reading your posts that i too will probably still play oblivion, huh.
I think I just basically completely contradicted myself from my OP.
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:36 pm

Didn't we have this discussion not too long ago? In any case my best answer is, who knows? I don't foresee abandoning Oblivion any time soon, Skyrim or no Skyrim. I can certainly see myself taking a temporary leave-of-absence to give Skyrim a look-see. More than that remains in the hands of the Nine.

How can no know such a thing? Skyrim is an unknown at this point. It might be the greatest thing since the invention of toilet-paper. Then again it might not. No matter how great it is or is not, it is perfectly legitimate to prefer Oblivion, as there are those who prefer Morrowind and/or Daggerfall. Let the game be released and played, then decide.

I didn't realise you'd already discussed this, I haven't visited forums for a while.

I just wanted to mention that the invention of toilet roll as you mentioned is actually a pretty damn great invention. Lol it even rhymed :)

I won't pay any serious attention to Skyrim until it has been out for a year or more. I don't do brand new games. I'll give it plenty of time to get debugged, patched, wiki'd etc before I take a look at it. :foodndrink:

That's a good thing, because I'm pretty sure I'm going to get it straigh away as my birthday is the 9 of November so I'll probably treat myself.

That said look at it this way, maybe I'll actually be able to advise you on a TES game for once? Yay lol
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:59 am

.... That's a good thing, because I'm pretty sure I'm going to get it straigh away as my birthday is the 9 of November so I'll probably treat myself.

That said look at it this way, maybe I'll actually be able to advise you on a TES game for once? Yay lol

Hee! That's what I'm banking on. Letting other brave souls sort out all those things before I get there. If everyone took my approach, the game would never get patched etc. :tongue:
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:17 pm

Hee! That's what I'm banking on. Letting other brave souls sort out all those things before I get there. If everyone took my approach, the game would never get patched etc. :tongue:

I like your approach and would definitely like to have my first Skyrim experience be had once it has been patched, unofficial mod patched, and wiki'd, but dammit, I can't bring myself to wait that long. I do plan to contribute to the UESP Wiki with Skyrim info though. :thumbsup:
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:21 am

After 11-10-11, I will never play Oblivion again. I probably wouldn't have played Oblivion at all if Skyrim wasn't looking so awesome. I decided to jump on the TES bandwagon and bought the Oblivion Fifth Anniversary Edition a few weeks ago. I do not regret it. I'm 90 hours in, just finished the main quest and the Nights of the Nine, and I do plan on playing it for at least 80 hours more. I'll probably be playing it right up untill the night before Skyrim hits. But when it does I'm retiring Oblivion and jumping into the mosh pit that will be Skyrim. And I'll be playing that untill........Fallout 4?
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:13 pm

I Just couldn't See my Precious Oblivion get Dusty....No, NEVER!
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:04 pm

After 11-10-11, I will never play Oblivion again. I probably wouldn't have played Oblivion at all if Skyrim wasn't looking so awesome. I decided to jump on the TES bandwagon and bought the Oblivion Fifth Anniversary Edition a few weeks ago. I do not regret it. I'm 90 hours in, just finished the main quest and the Nights of the Nine, and I do plan on playing it for at least 80 hours more. I'll probably be playing it right up untill the night before Skyrim hits. But when it does I'm retiring Oblivion and jumping into the mosh pit that will be Skyrim. And I'll be playing that untill........Fallout 4?

Trust me Friend, You don't wanna waste Oblivion on one Playthrough... Trust me
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