How many of you would like to see Gruthar?
How many of you would like to see Gruthar?
Intelligent deathclaws? They'd better. I've wanted a deathclaw faction since a certain sidequest...
Gruthar is an intelligent Alpha Deathclaw from Fallout 2 who can talk.
Gruthar will not appear I guess. Beth retconned a bunch of Characters and Lore from FO1 and FO2. Like Myron from FO2 who created Jet. They never said that he not existed, but there is Jet in Vault 95 wich got filled up with chems pre war. So the only possibilties are that Bethesta made an error in putting Jet in the secret drugroom wich I don't believe because e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e. who played FO2 knows who Myron is and that he created Jet or Beth just ignored the Fallout 2 Lore.