Well consider it like this, I'm a video game prodigy (fps's) I find game's such as cod and halo waaaay too easy online and through competitions and I question everything there is about fps's. I hate every single one of them. This is the first fps that I actually look foward to playing. Now I'm not amazing, the typical "[censored]" does effect me; such as knifing, one hit kills, noob tubes etc... And I personally find it a breath of fresh air that people will no longer be able to kill me
Prodigy?(warning this is going to be a long one)
Your just one of the few people that dont experience lag compensation that ruins the game for the people who do. Yes, im talking about COD. I have owned every COD game since COD 4, and every game after it (especially Activision games) it has gotten worse. in COD 4 you could only notice it when you run behind cover and then die and then on the killcam from your enemies perspective you arent behind the wall when you knew you were.
on MW2 you would be watching a path to an objective, an enemy comes around the corner and seems to instantly lock onto you and kill you in the time that it takes to fire two bullets while you were able to get off about three shots. on the killcam the enemy would come around the corner and you would be sitting there like a [censored], they would fire like ten rounds in your direction and you would die. it wouldent even show the rounds that you managed to get off in your screen.this was only about one third of the games you played though and the game still held my interest. i stayed on untill the quickscopers/OMA pro noobtubers came around. i got annoyed and went back to COD4, the first game i had i went 81 and 11. tell you anything about where the series is going.
WAW had the same problems but worse. about 2/3 of the games you played had it. i played for about two months then quit.
and finally Black Ops. where to start. black ops is unplayable for people who have lag compensation problems (about 95% of players i have talked to) . about 99% of the games i play have horible lag compensation problems. I think about here is the best place to mention that i have a good connection (host about 60% of games) so that is not the problem. the games i have that lag compensation dosent affect me i do amazing. after about two weeks i decided that no amount of practice/skill i have would save the game for me and i quit.
one more thing before i answer the thread. i played Crysis 2 and had the notorious freezing issue. most of my friends/recent players had the same problem. i talked to two people who didnt have the problem. funnily these two people were the same two people that had previously told me they did not have any lag compensation at all. also Oblivion/Fallout3/New Vegas didnt freeze for them. coincidence? if anyone has any answeres for this question or any information on lag compensation reply to this and send me a message on my profile as well.
No i dont think that BRINK will topple the COD giant. there are just too many people who will buy them even though the franchise is being milked into the ground.