Thats because in my mind there is no difference. Bugs and glitches are part of the game just as much as anything else. Until they are fixed they are part of the game and I don't see all of these "bugs" being fixed anytime soon. I would love to hear YOUR reasoning for being against this option. What does it hurt to have the option to readjust your perks??? Cuts into replay value is the only thing I can think of. I can't speak for everyone else but I am not making another character to change a few perks though.
:banghead: Seriously?
You don't see the difference between an error in computer calculation in spawn height.. and the deliberate design of perk progression?
Why does it hurt? Hey ho, let's go;
1. Its logically inconsistent in a roleplaying to instantly forget skills and replace them with new ones. You may as well ask for a skill reset, and decide you want to swap your 100 smithing for 100 sneak.
2. Its overpowered, people throw their toys out because they smithed/enchant superman powers, do you think they'll be able to resist doing that and THEN resetting into extra combat perks. If you choose to smith the best armour before it occurs naturally, you sacrifice the time it takes to learn combat skills etc. Reset and the entire concept of developing a character is broken.
3. You can't make perk mistakes. You can't. You can go up a level and add a perk and maybe you regret a perk you don't use, but no perk blocks you from taking another one. Just take the one you want at the next level instead. If you have maxed out your levels and you still have perks you want.. and it took you to level 81 to realise this? Theres no hope for you.
I am genuinely shocked that this is even an issue for anyone.