Excellent point. The fires not hurting you also breaks immersion. I hadn't thought of that one. :wink_smile: ...And no, I didn't abandon my original argument because it was incoherent. I abandoned it to completely nullify yours. Your first point for not wanting a perk reset sounds like an immersion killer. I've already countered this several times over by naming things that break immersion far more than this option.
I do not think countered means what you think it means. The existence of even one minor immersion breaking part of the game, does not excuse specifically requesting or justifying the inclusion of a major, unrealistic addition. They are not the same thing.
There is a big difference between immersion breaking, and realism. A fantasy game with dragons can be considered realistic in terms of the world in which it is set. A fantasy game that allows people to instantly change their abilities on a whim, would not be realistic in terms of the world it is set.
You couldn't write a story based on Tolkien which incorporated lasers guns and nuclear bombs, you simply couldn't justify it despite it being no more "fantastical" than the existence of a wizard. The difference is what is realistic in terms of the world presented.
Your second point against this was because it would be too overpowered. You wanna talk about arguments now making any sense.
It would make a change.You're basically saying that anyone who has no wasted points is overpowered.
Now you're just making thing up.
What I said was:
2. Its overpowered, people throw their toys out because they smithed/enchant superman powers, do you think they'll be able to resist doing that and THEN resetting into extra combat perks. If you choose to smith the best armour before it occurs naturally, you sacrifice the time it takes to learn combat skills etc. Reset and the entire concept of developing a character is broken.I don't need to repeat it, its been pointed out enough, that system abuse gets worse, but most importantly, its an abuse which makes no sense given the context of the world.
You could argue the point in Deus Ex perhaps, that you could pay a ton of money and have them rip out your augmentations as replace them with new ones.. but not for learnt skills.
For your third point implying that you can't make perk mistakes is the most ridiculous of all. I got aleast 3 perks right now that are essentially useless to me. At my current level I could easily place those three perks in spots that are far more needed but instead I have to sit with my haggling perks and dual restoration perks not realizing how useless they would be later on.
But at the next level, you can put a perk in the place you do want it.. whats your problem? By level 81, you will be able to do almost everything anyway. You can't make perk mistakes, you have an ability, which you learnt, on purpose. Choosing not to bother using it is your choice.. unless you are genuinely upset that after 80 perks, you won't be able to max out every single perk tree, in which case.. you are playing the wrong game.