Will we ever get a skil lreset option? DLC maybe?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:30 am

About two days ago I ended up deleting my lv32 because I was not satisfied with my skill point assignments after discovering the more crucial aspects of the game. Sure 32 isn't a very high level but I don't want to get to an even higher level on my current character and think "Hmm I'm bored with using 2 handed weapons, I'd like to give this mace a try but the damage is insignificant because I have no points in one handed combat." Most would reply with "Start a new character bro." But this isn't what I want to hear, I've spent hours making this story my my own and working on quests just to abandon my Nord!!! So I'm asking, has anyone heard about any rumors concerning a future skill reset toll in the game? I know games like DA2 have had things like "Potions of forgetfulness" or whatever and in WoW you can pay to have your mind wiped like an alien abduction. I think this would offer a refreshing change of pace to players who want to try something new or offer players a second chance if they've decided to stick with their current character with less than perfect skill assignments. In this way I think Oblivion had the better "skill" system. At least in Cyrodil if I wanted to go against the grain the only penalty I would face is I wouldn't level up, but now It seems like I get punished if I explore new trees of skill only to find out that maybe Alteration isn't well suited for my play style. Hey, BETHESDA! You could make my skill reset be a quest and a one time thing! Or make it a potion found somewhere in the world. I think the at least the option of it being there would remove the stress of assigning skill point :) Thanks for reading!
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:12 am

I can't see them making it reasonable.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:06 am

Bump, Topics are cruising tonight.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:25 pm

althought i dislike the idea, i understand a lot of people simply dont have the time to build another character thus i believe its a legit concern. it is, however, unlikely to happen though.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:18 am

its just not that big of a deal to be addressed in a patch or DLC, also its not like its a glitch anyway, its how bethesda creates their games. This is just the way it is and you'll probably have to deal with it for as long as you play a TES game.

You're only option is to create a new character, I have 2 right now. 1 for dual wielding and archery, another for sneak lockpick and pickpocket. If I get bored of one I move to the other.
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james kite
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:28 am

When the Creation Kit is released, don't be surprised to see that is one of the first mods made.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:09 am

I'd like a perk reset option. It means I could blitz my smithing and enchanting, get the best gear, then reset my perks to put them all into combat options.

I'm being facetious of course. This is one of the main reasons I can't ever see them doing it.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:04 am

If you are on PC you can easily (though rather tediously) remove and add perks at will. Honor system at adding ones back :P.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:57 pm

The problem is you aren't even sure what kind of play style you want at this point. It's aaaaaaalmost reasonable to say a mage is a mage and a warrior is a warrior because it's almost worth the playthrough again to tackle things from a different perspective. But it's ridiculous when you're talking about the difference between one and two-handed weapons.

Personally, I hate having to spoil myself by reading up on a game before playing. But really, you're stuck using someone's recommended build guide or else struggling to play with a suboptimal character.

Really, just starting out, how do you know what you want to play as? Ok, maybe you know from a previous Elder Scrolls game. Maybe not! Would you like the play style of a mage? Maybe you find the spell-crafting component of the game and the alchemy to be boring as hell. Melee or range weapon warrior? Maybe archery isn't fun at first but gets better with the bonuses. Maybe sniping becomes awesome. You can't know until you commit. Change your mind? Start playing the game again, muhahaha.

I probably wouldn't object if it were 5 hours to get anywhere interesting with a character without a lot of retreading of old territory but you can easily hit 50 to 100 hours retracing the same quests.

The solution, of course, is to play on PC and just use a cheat tool to redo your character. Don't be greedy, don't make your lvl 20 a lvl 60 but if you'd like to swap from 40 two-hand to 40 one-hand, that's cool.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:04 am

As someone who initially wanted this at first, I don't think I would use this anymore. Having to think about your decisions and consequences of which skills/perks you choose makes the game more exciting and adds extra tension. Plus I kinda like the idea of being forced to start over with a new character and working your way up from there. The only think I want is a mod to make leveling up NOT slow down once you hit 50.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:25 am

As someone who initially wanted this at first, I don't think I would use this anymore. Having to think about your decisions and consequences of which skills/perks you choose makes the game more exciting and adds extra tension. Plus I kinda like the idea of being forced to start over with a new character and working your way up from there. The only think I want is a mod to make leveling up NOT slow down once you hit 50.

I understtand what you mean by "conseqeunces", but I disagree. You don't have to use the DLC or a "respec" icon to reset all of the perks to use as you see fit. Bioware released a free respec add-on for Dragon Age: Origins that shows up as a crow situated in the main camp and all of the cities. Though I knew what it was for, I never once used it. So it is a matter of choice.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:46 pm

You already have one, it's called "start a new game"
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WYatt REed
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:35 am

You already have one, it's called "start a new game"

That's a flippant and rather unuseful answer.

If I pick up a bit of kit and realize I don't like it, I can drop it or sell it. No longer in my inventory, case closed. Maybe it doesn't fit my play style.

The problem we're looking at here is that it's impossible to try out a class before you build it and you may or may not like the results. By way of comparison, if I've never had anything like a given cocktail before, I'll try it in a bar before I buy all the bottles to make it at home. The liquor store isn't taking anything back if you say you don't like it.
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Robert Jr
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:44 am

Are you kidding? Take even More away from the RPG aspects of the game? The game is to roleplay what it would be like to BE there. In real life, if you were to spend your entire life studying chemestry, would it be reasonable to assume you could suddenly do biology? Sure you'd be better at it than someone who had never done any sciences in their life, mainly due to natural aptitude but you wouldnt be anywhere near as good as you would be at chemestry. This could be represented as you having a lot of HP, so being better in 1handed combat than someone who had never done it before, but you dont have the expertise in the specific field to be as good as someone who trained with 1h their whole life.

I think that a way to change it like, every 10 skills you gain in 1h you get the chance to swap a perk from 2h or something would be more realistic, but very difficuilt to balance out, especially with other skills...
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:19 pm

Are you kidding? Take even More away from the RPG aspects of the game? The game is to roleplay what it would be like to BE there. In real life, if you were to spend your entire life studying chemestry, would it be reasonable to assume you could suddenly do biology? Sure you'd be better at it than someone who had never done any sciences in their life, mainly due to natural aptitude but you wouldnt be anywhere near as good as you would be at chemestry. This could be represented as you having a lot of HP, so being better in 1handed combat than someone who had never done it before, but you dont have the expertise in the specific field to be as good as someone who trained with 1h their whole life.

I think that a way to change it like, every 10 skills you gain in 1h you get the chance to swap a perk from 2h or something would be more realistic, but very difficuilt to balance out, especially with other skills...

he is right, this is designed to be roll playing game. And in there you play one char as you want, and stand your chooice as you make them. If you want another skill train or focus on that one. It sounds like you want a fps game in this enviroment where you can have both full bow/1hand/2hand/magic and so on full to just blast your enemys with.

but there will be enough mods to us all later, when they finally release the kit.
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leigh stewart
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:17 am

I REALLY hope they do this.

Maybe let us delete one to get to add a different one.
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:10 pm

Given the perk system in place gives players choice and consequences I don't see them adding something that makes their design direction redundant. (RPG - flaws and weaknesses are as much a part of a character as their strengths).

PC users will get a mod for it, of that I have no doubt.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:00 pm

They didn't add that option in any of their other games. I really doubt they'd add it, and I'd actually dislike if they did. I mean if they'd put it in the game wouldn't have any replayability.
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Anne marie
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:17 am

Omg, quit whining. Respec is the most spoiled-brat idea I've heard suggested on these forums.

So what if you didn't spend every single point correctly? There's plenty left to finish the game. Choices have consequences. That's fun! That's life.

If you want to play with the knowledge you've gained, then restart. It's practically the definition of restarting. You'll be psychic! Or If you're going to change play styles, you'll want to change race anyway. Save your save file and have a few chars.

Your guy doesn't have to be maxxed. You'll be OP if you do anyway. Stop worrying and just play.
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:58 am

I disagree totally.

I think they have already ruined the rpg gaming industry these days. Think about it. Why would it be okay for you character to take away something he has learned, that would take away role playing. They already make these game way too easy for people, having a skill tree reset would ruin the experience for me because I'd probably end up using it. On the other hand I do agree that some perks end up pretty useless but that's what saves are for. Pick a perk, try it and see if you like it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:30 pm

I disagree totally.

I think they have already ruined the rpg gaming industry these days. Think about it. Why would it be okay for you character to take away something he has learned, that would take away role playing. They already make these game way too easy for people, having a skill tree reset would ruin the experience for me because I'd probably end up using it. On the other hand I do agree that some perks end up pretty useless but that's what saves are for. Pick a perk, try it and see if you like it.

You say you think this would ruin the game for you because you have no self control? Role-playing is about what you want to do, or not. Just because the option could be there, shouldn't ruin it for you as you "have a choice" whether to use it or not. Having said that, in games where it was available, even made by the developer, I never used them because I wanted to play the character I built fro the start, but that *was my choice*. But, I don't think it should be a problem to have it there.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:24 am

They REALLY should add this.

IMO, it would be more fun to switch up your character by selling/trading perks, than to start from scratch.
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:06 am

I'd like a perk reset option. It means I could blitz my smithing and enchanting, get the best gear, then reset my perks to put them all into combat options.

I'm being facetious of course. This is one of the main reasons I can't ever see them doing it.

They probably won't do it for this very reason. They don't need anymore.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:13 pm

Yet another "I do not like having to plan anything and I don't like playing more than one character or learning from my mistakes" request. It made sense in a game like WoW, but it makes zero sense in the majority of single player games. Even with a game like Diablo 3 it's stupid, but they are implementing it anyway.
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:45 am

Hope they don't add it. Make a new character if your tired of this one. If you make a wrong decision, reload a save.
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